What’s Up with Dogs Swallowing Kibble Without Chewing?


Let’s face it: when it comes to eating, dogs are quite fast eaters, often swallowing their kibble whole without chewing as if there’s no tomorrow, what gives? The behavior is actually not unusual; indeed, on Puppy Planet, there are likely more dogs eating fast than eating slow if ever some statistics on dog eating times were ever collected. Slow dining, as to savoring a morsel at a time, is something not popular in the world of canines, but dogs seem to have their own good reasons for wolfing down their chow.

dog-eating-fastA Look Back 

If your dog is swallowing his kibble whole without chewing don’t be too fast to label him as greedy, turns out dogs have some good reasons for their behavior and it stems from their evolutionary past.

In the old days, dogs were not fed bags of kibble from shiny bowls. A dog’s ancestors were hunting and scavenging for food and eating fast was necessary for several reasons.

Feast or famine was a real thing, so there were times with little to no food and then there were times after a hunt where there was an abundance of food. After going through lean times, a dog’s ancestors were eating fast because they were very hungry. However, eating fast wasn’t only because of that.

If in the old days a dog’s ancestors were eating slow, this could have meant losing access to their food. Most likely if the food wasn’t gobbled up in a timely manner, another canine or some other competitor animal would have gladly finished it up. On top of that, eating slow in the wild is risky business considering that it puts animals in a vulnerable position which can mean becoming dinner to other larger predators!

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idea tipCurious fact: Statistics show that ravens get to eat more meat from a wolf kill, than the wolves themselves, explains Toni Shelbourne in the book “The truth about wolves and dogs.” No wonder why wolves are eager to eat fast, hence the term “wolfing your food.”

Designed for Fast Eatingdog-eating-meat

Even if we look at dog anatomy, we will notice a body that is designed for fast eating.

Molars are teeth that are used for grinding. In herbivores, like the horse, the canine teeth are small or non-existent, while the molars are broad and flat because they are plant eaters and must grind grains and plant materials with their side-to-side jaw movements.

In omnivores, like us humans, since both meat and plants are consumed, teeth include a combination of incisors, canines, pre-molars and molars used for grinding also in a somewhat sideways motion.

Dogs, even though not obligate carnivores like the cat, have overall a body designed to eat meat. A dog’s teeth are designed for ripping and tearing meat and their jaws mostly move in an up-and-down motion. Dogs also don’t have flat molars as herbivores and omnivores do. Dogs are therefore not designed to chew as much as some other animals and that’s a main reason why they end up swallowing their kibble whole.

On top of not having molars designed for grinding, dogs do not produce amylase, an enzyme meant to digest starches, in their saliva. This is because food doesn’t stay long in their mouth, and therefore the amylase isn’t necessary to start digestion, explains veterinarian Ernie Ward in the book “Chow Hounds: Why Our Dogs Are Getting Fatter -A Vet’s Plan to Save Their Lives.” Instead, dogs produce amylase in their digest tract so starches can be digested there at their own leisure. This is just one of the many things that differentiate dogs from wolves.

Finally, dogs might not feel much compelled to eating fast because of their taste buds. With only about 2,000 taste buds on their tongues, compared to our 9,000, why would dogs feel motivated to savor their food if the flavor is going to be just bland?

” Human saliva contains an enzyme called amylase, which starts breaking down starches as soon as food hits the mouth. Dog drool doesn’t have this advantage, but dogs do excrete amylase from their pancreases, allowing for the digestion of starches in the gut.”~Live Science

idea tipDid you know? One of the reasons why dogs do not get cavities as humans do, is perhaps because of how their teeth are designed. Since dogs have fewer pits and fissures on the surface of their teeth, cavity causing bacteria and food particles are less likely to stick to them as they would on teeth with many indentations. Source: Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

feeding-the-dogsA Word About Multi-Dog Households

Eating fast is particularly common in households with multiple dogs. The reason being that dogs may feel more competitive when around other dogs and this may cause them to feel more compelled to gobble up and swallow their kibble without chewing as fast as they can.

As their food is being prepared, there is a strong build in anticipation as all the dogs eagerly wait for their bowls to be filled. Then when it’s time to eat, it’s almost sort of like a race against time between the dogs as to who finishes first.

The dogs in this case are likely concerned about other dogs finishing  up first and approaching their bowl. It might have happened in the past that a dog who finished first got near their bowl and these dogs may have “learned their lesson” and sped up their eating.

In these cases, some dog owners find that putting more distance between the dogs or feeding them in completely separate areas where they can’t see or hear each other can help slow them down. This makes for a more relaxed feeding.

” If you have other pets in the house, including other dogs, your canine pal may want to insure that he gets his share before someone else helps himself. For other dogs, it may not be the actual presence of a second dog or, say, a cat but a throwback to his days as a puppy — a subconscious reminder of having to compete with his littermates for his mother’s milk.”~Tufts University

Underlying  Health Problemveterinary

If your dog has suddenly started gulping down his food like there’s no tomorrow, sometimes this can be indicative of a health problem.

For instance, a dental problem can lead to pain chewing and therefore a dog may decide that’s it’s less painful to just swallow the kibble whole. Dogs who have misaligned teeth (a malocclusion) may also swallow their kibble whole, but this is generally something that shouldn’t happen out of the blue.

If a dog suddenly develops ravenous appetite this is something that should be investigated as well. Conditions that could cause a voracious appetite in dogs include diabetes and Cushing’s disease, explains veterinarian Dr. Fiona. 

idea tipDid you know? The medical term for increased consumption of food  is “polyphagia.” The term comes from  polys which means “much” and phagein which means “to eat.”

dog-eating-too-fastAssociated Health Risks

While it’s natural for dogs to be predisposed to be swallowing their kibble whole, this practice can have several health repercussions.

If you own a large, deep chested dog, eating too fast can predispose him to develop life threatening bloat from swallowing too much air. The excess air causes the stomach to swell up and it risks twisting on itself, a condition that’s known as gastric dilatation volvulus. While bloat affects mostly large dogs, medium dogs and smaller dogs can also be affected at times.

Another risk associated with dogs swallowing their kibble whole is choking. This is something that can be worrisome obviously as it can turn life threatening.

On a lighter note, dogs who eat quickly and swallow their kibble may develop digestive problems under the form of hiccups, burping, flatulence, vomiting and regurgitation. When the dog eats too fast, the stomach cannot keep up with the workload and may just bring the food back up within a few minutes.

A Few Tipsdog-slow-down-eating

A lot of dogs swallow their kibble whole and this generally isn’t much concerning as most dogs can swallow their kibble whole without getting ill, what is concerning though is eating too fast. Dogs who swallow their kibble whole and eat fast may benefit from learning to slow down a bit. This can be accomplished in several ways. Here are a few tips:

  • You can try feeding multiple times a day so that your dog gets to eat a smaller amount at a time.
  • You can place some tennis balls in his food bowl so he’s forced to eat around them.
  • You can try scattering his food on a cookie sheet, which makes it harder for him to grasp much at once.
  • You can hide his food inside a Kong or other interactive toy.
  • You can place his food in small amounts in several food bowls.
  • You can invest in a Brake-Fast bowl or other bowl made for fast eating dogs.
  • You can play fun games such as making a path of kibble or hiding his kibble in several areas of the house.


  • VCA Animal Hospitals, Fast Eating Can Lead To Serious Problems in Dogs, retrieved from the web on November 15th, 2016
  • Tufts Your Dog, Does Your Dog Eat too Fat? retrieved from the web on November 15th, 2016

Photo Credits:

  • Flickr Creative Commons, Georgie Pauwels, Dinner for One, CCBY2.0
  • Flickr Creative Commons, PROWonderlaneRose, a puppy, chewing on a bone, south U District near the Montlake Cut, Seattle, Washington, USA CCBY2.0
  • Flickr Creative Commons, Antique Dog Photos, Feed the dogs, CCBY2.0
  • Flickr Creative Commons, BuzzFarmers Dog played with his food. CCBY2.0


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Fascinating Facts About Dog Flews


Whether you are familiar or not with dog flews may largely depend on what type of dog breed you own or have owned in the past. Some dogs are known for having quite some heavy flews while in some others, the flews may be barely noticeable to almost non-existent. But what in the world are dog flews and what are they used for? No worries, dog flews are nothing odd or unusual. According to the American Kennel Club, the term is used to simply depict the upper lip of certain dogs which are particularly pendulous at the inner corners. A dogs lower lip is therefore simply called the “lower lip,” while those upper lips that cover the dog’s teeth are called “flews.”

 dog-flewsSome Hounds Have Heavy Flews…

What dog breeds are known for having particularly pendulous flews? Perhaps the most notorious dog breed with flews is the bloodhound, but there are many others.

The American Kennel Club talks about flews in many of its breed standards. Many of these breeds are in the hound family.

For instance, the basset hound is described as having lips that are pendulous,” falling squarely in front and, toward the back, in loose hanging flews.

The Black and Tan Coonhound is depicted as having flews that are well developed and with a “typical hound appearance.”

Another breed with pendulous upper lips is the American English Coonhound having flews  that cover the lower jaw when observed from the side.

Not all hounds though have flews, for instance, in the beagle standard the lips should be free from flews.

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“Flews is just a fancy word for a dog’s lips.”~ Margaret H. Bonham

 But They’re Also Present in Other Dogs.bull-mastiff

Several other non-hound dog breeds are known for having developed flews, but they might not be as developed as in certain hounds.

The bull mastiff is known for having flews, but per standard they shouldn’t be too pendulous.

The Clumber Spaniel is described as ideally having flews in the upper jaw that are strongly developed and tend to overlap the lower jaw giving an over all “square look” when observed from the side.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is known for having flews that are moderately pendulous yet retractile.

In the Saint Bernard dog breed instead the flews are portrayed as being strongly developed and slightly overhanging.

And then you have the  bulldog, with “flews that should be thick, broad, pendant and very deep, completely overhanging the lower jaw at each side.”

idea tipDid you know? In Golden retrievers, overly pendulous flews are frowned upon for a practical purpose: they interfere with this breed’s efficiency in picking up game with its mouth, explains Caroline Coile in the book “The Golden Retriever Handbook.” In addition, heavy flews  are also more likely to collect feathers. Not good. Indeed, the breed standard for the Golden clearly indicates “no heaviness in flews.”

Flews Aid in Capturing Smells….bassett-hound

It’s not a coincidence that many dog breeds equipped with pendulous flews are scent hounds.

These dogs have made of sniffing the world their area of specialty, making them the sniffing machines of the dog kingdom.  And their bodily features are sure equipped to help them!

First off, their noses are equipped with larger cavities compared to other types of dogs,which ultimately allows them process scents better.

Secondly, their  droopy ears and dewlaps are thought to further help capture and collect scents from the ground stirring them upwards at nose level.

Finally, their pendulous, droopy lips further aid  in trapping smells, allowing those precious scent molecules to reach their destination: to the almighty nose and beyond!

“When bassets are trailing, their ears often drag on the ground and stir up scents. The large folds of skin on their jaws hold the scents close to the nose.” ~Cari Meister

But May  Also Contribute to Drooling.dog-drool

The shape of a dog’s upper lip can surely play a role in how predisposed a dog may be to drooling. Many owners of dogs with particularly developed flews have gotten used to cleaning up what are known as “slingers;” basically, strings of drool that attach to floors, ceilings and walls every time slobbery dogs  happen to shake their heads.

It’s very difficult to come by a Saint Bernard with a dry mouth. Many seasoned dog owners though have simply learned to deal with the drooling issue. “You just always carry a towel and learn to live with it,” explained a fancier to the American Kennel Club Gazette.

Coping mechanisms aside, those slingers are not to be be underestimated: Barbara Meyer explains in her blog that, left alone, this spittle has the tendency to dry into a rock-like hardness and that she heard a dog owner speculating that it might be of interest to NASA for the purpose of gluing down the tiles of their space shuttles!

Flew patrol. If applicable, check flews and pendulous lips for trapped food and debris. You never knowyou might even find Amelia Earhart in there.”~ Billy Rafferty, Jill Cahr

hound-sad-expressionFlews Affect Dog Facial Expressions….

From dogs with hair covering their eyes, to dogs with bob tails, through selective breeding, dogs have undergone quite some changes when it comes to looks.

After all, humans have been tinkering with genetics for quite a long time, selectively breeding dogs based on their working functions but sometimes also based on looks.

It’s inevitable therefore for some features to affect dogs’ lives and their ability to communicate. Even dogs with flews are somewhat deprived in the communication department.

For instance, the thick pendulous flews of the bloodhound can interfere with their ability to exhibit certain facial expressions.

While these dogs are capable of snarling, that is, lifting their upper lips to show their teeth, they have quite a hard time exhibiting expressions that are more subtle, such a those involving the corners of their mouths, observes Matthew Hoffman, in the book :”Dogspeak: How to Understand Your Dog and Help Him Understand You.

bulldogBut People Find them Irresistibly Adorable!

Because for many dogs with pendulous flews it can be challenging drawing up the corners of their mouths as other dogs do, people have a tendency to perceive them as being sad, even though they are not. However, let’s face it: these dogs’ gloomy mugs and facial folds are also what many dog owners find irresistible!

However, we must finish up with some words of caution: it’s always best not to commit to dog ownership based on a dog’s looks alone.

Good research about the breed is always paramount to avoid unnecessary heartaches. Learning about a dog breed’s temperament, health and whether the dog’s needs for exercise and mental stimulation match with your lifestyle, is always something wise to do when it comes to making choices and picking your ideal furry companion.

Photo credits:

Flickr, Creative Commons, Paul Joseph, drool dog CCBY2.0


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Five Fascinating Ways Dogs Stay Warm


We chatter our teeth and shiver when we’re cold, but when it comes to dogs, they may rely on different ways to stay warm. While we bundle up with extra layers of clothing, scarves and mittens, dogs must rely on their own “built-in” features along with some several other fascinating mechanisms Mother Nature has provided them with. In a past article we looked at  ways dogs cool down, in this article instead, we will be discovering several  fascinating ways dogs keep themselves warm.

 saint-bernard-dog-historyWarm Double Coats

What’s the purpose of a double coat? It’s meant to keep ourselves toasty! says Rover. Just like our warm winter jackets, many dogs are protected from the rigors of the winter courtesy of their double coats.

A dog’s undercoat consists of short and cotton-like hairs meant to insulate and prevent loss of body heat, while the top coat consists of stiff, moisture-repellent guard hairs meant to protect from the winter elements.

Several dog breeds have double coats and these include German shepherds, collies, sheepdogs, corgis, Beaucerons, Belgian malinois, Belgian tervurens, briards, Labrador and golden retreivers just to name a few.

More notoriously, spitz-type dogs are known for their double coats and include Siberian huskies, Samoyeds, Pomeranians, Akitas, Alaskan malamutes, chow chows, keeshonds, Shiba Inus, Norwegain elkhounds and Norwegian lundehunds.

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“The thick undercoat of the Northern Breeds provides loft, like a fuzzy mohair sweater, and keeps the warmth next to the animal rather than allowing it to escape.”~ Dr. Susan Whiton

The Power of Piloerectiondog-snow

On top of  being equipped with warm coats, dogs have the ability to raise the hairs on their neck, back and tail. The term for this feature is piloerection and it works in a similar fashion as goose bumps in humans.

Each dog hair is equipped with a hair follicle which in turn is attached to special muscles that are known as “arrector pili.” When a dog is in a normal, relaxed state, his hair follicles will stay at a 30 to 60 degree angle compared to the skin. Let the arrector pili muscles contract though and watch those hairs literally stand up, explains Karen L. Campbell, a board-certified veterinarian specializing in internal medicine and dermatology in the book “The Pet Lover’s Guide to Cat and Dog Skin Diseases.

When us humans get cold, we develop goosebumps, while in dogs,  if it’s very cold, the contraction of the arrector pili muscles cause piloerection. The raised hairs in this case are meant to trap air and create a layer of insulation.

“A dog’s hair will stand on end when he is very, very cold… When the hair stands up, an insulating layer of air gets trapped between hair shafts, so the cold air cannot get so close to the skin. It works like a down jacket.” Dr. Nicholas Dodman

dog paw padsPaw Heating System

Ever wondered how dogs keep their paws from freezing? Let’s think about it. As the weather gets colder, we put on thick socks and boots, while our dogs walk  completely barefoot on wet and sometimes even icy surfaces, how do they manage to do that?

In this case, we must thank the dog’s almighty paws. Blessed with tough padding made of layers of insulating fat and connective tissue, a dog’s paws are also equipped with an impressive number of blood vessels. This means greater circulation which helps prevent those paws from getting frozen.

Interestingly, a study conducted by scientists at Tokyo’s Yamazaki Gakuen University found that the arteries responsible for providing blood to a dog’s paw pads have several networks of tiny veins nearby (venules). The proximity of arteries and veins results in heat exchange, acting as a counter-current heat exchanger. This artery and vein heat circulation system seems to suggest that the ancestors of the domestic dog may have originated in a cold climate.

“It is well known that penguins in the Antarctic have a counter current heat exchange system in their wings and legs to prevent heat dissipation and keep the body warm. When we found that dogs also have such an excellent system in their paws, we were excited.”~Dr Hiroyoshi Ninomiya.

Curling Like a Balldog sleeping position

When dogs are cold, they instinctively seem to know that certain sleeping positions are better. Sleeping in a curled up position, tight like a ball, is a dog’s way to conserve heat.

By sleeping this way, the dog’s body surface is made as small as possible and the loss of heat is minimized.

If it’s very cold, dogs will sleep with their tails covering their noses, an astute strategy to maximize their ability to stay warm. A bushy tail helps protect the dog’s eyes, nose, muzzle and front legs from cold, and on top of that, it acts like a filter, allowing a dog to breath in pre-heated air. How cool is that?


idea tipDid you know? Some dogs in very cold climates may utilize what’s known as “social thermal regulation.” According to the book “K9 Complete Care: A Manual for Physically and Mentally Healthy Working Dogs”by Resi Gerritsen, Ruud Haak, arctic explorers mentioned how dogs in Southern Greenland slept very close to each other near their homes so to keep warm and out of the wind. 

Shivering to Warm Upcold-dachshund

Not all dogs are blessed with warm double coats, and those who lack it, are more likely to get cold.

Small, short-haired dog breeds are in particular predisposed to chilling as they tend to lose their body heat quite rapidly.

It’s not unusual to see dachshunds and Chihuahuas seek out the warmest areas of the house, burying themselves under blankets or staying rights next to the fireplace in order to stay warm.

Trembling is something that dogs just like humans do so to generate heat and raise body temperature, explains Erich Barchas, a veterinarian in San Francisco.

If your dog is shivering though and it is not cold, consider evaluating the underlying cause, as shivering in dogs can also be seen in dogs who are scared, in pain, sick or experiencing some health problem.


A Word of Cautiondog-coat

Sure, many dogs have the ability to cope in cold weather, and if they are new to cold, they can acclimate fairly quickly, given the chance. However, this does not mean that our dogs are not immune from the effects of prolonged exposure to bitter cold.  Just like us, dogs can get frostbite, and suffer other consequence of cold.

Not all dogs experience cold in the same way, and some dogs are definitely at a disadvantage. Small dogs, short-haired dogs, short dogs who are lower to the ground, older dogs, dogs with certain medical conditions, skinny dogs and young puppies may not be able to regulate their temperatures well and may need our intervention to be protected from the dangers of winter weather.

“In general, there are three kinds of dogs who benefit from the insulation provided by a sweater or coat, as well as the protection afforded by life as a pampered house pet: Small dogs, dogs who are elderly, chronically ill or both, Greyhounds, Whippets and dogs of a similar thin body type, especially those with short fur. ~Dr. Marty Becker


  • Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 22, Issue 6, pages 475–481, December 2011. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3164.2011.00976.
  • K9 Complete Care: A Manual for Physically and Mentally Healthy Working Dogs, By Resi Gerritsen, Ruud Haak, Dog Training Press (January 1, 2003)

Photo Credits;

  • Painting by John Emms portraying St. Bernards as rescue dogs, Public Domain


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Four Dog Odd Food Bowl Behaviors Explained


Let’s face it: sometimes dogs can act quite weird, and some of the oddest behaviors happen around the food bowl. Some dogs act scared of the food bowl, others will move the food bowl around and some others will nitpick a mouthful of kibble and then eat it off the floor. What’s up Rover? As with everything revolving around dog behavior, it’s difficult to find a black and white explanation for certain behaviors and we can only make assumptions, but by discovering a bit more about a dog’s eating habits, and through some trial and error attempts, we can perhaps get a tab bit closer to understanding the real potential cause for some of these dog behavior quirks.

  dog-food-bowl-behavior1) Dogs Scared of Metal Food Bowls

With more and more dog owners worried about the health effects of BPA in plastic and allergies, many are switching over to metal bowls for their dogs.

Has your dog been fine with a plastic food bowl and now that you got him a stainless steel metal bowl, he’s acting scared of it? You might feel better knowing that you are not alone.

There are countless dogs scared of metal food bowls. By watching your dog and doing some troubleshooting, you might be able to help him overcome his fear of the metal bowl.

For instance, is your dog wearing his collar and tags? Some dogs are afraid or bothered by the repeated metallic noises that occur when your dog’s metal tags hit the metal food bowl.

Does your dog back away from the food bowl when he moves it upon eating? Some dogs do not like the fact that the food bowl moves and the metal ones can be noisier when moved compared to a plastic bowl.

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And then there are some dogs who seem to be intimidated by their reflections seen on the metal as they eat.

idea tipWhat to do: you can try removing your dog’s collar when he eats so that those tags will stop producing that annoying metallic noise. Don’t expect though for your dog’s fears to magically stop the moment the collar is off. Your dog may still be a bit wary the first times as the memory of those metallic noises stick for a while. With time though, he should be able to relax once those memories start to fade.

What about dogs who are not wearing tags when they eat? If your dog doesn’t like the metal because of its feel or the reflections on it, you can try laying a washcloth or paper towel over the bowl and place his food on that. Eventually, then you can gradually uncover more and more of the bowl.

If your dog is scared of the bowl moving around, you can make it more stable using Velcro, or investing in products meant to keep that dog bowl more stable. If you still have his old plastic bowl and your dog doesn’t have allergies to plastic, you can try placing your new metal bowl right inside it if it fits. This should make the food bowl heavier so it moves less around while giving back a sense of familiarity.

2) Dogs Who Rather Eat on the Floor than Out of the Bowl

Ready for a dog food buffet?
Ready for take-out?

Does your dog prefer “canine take out,” moving his food to the floor rather than eating directly from the bowl? Well, who can blame them? Dogs weren’t really born to eat out of food bowls, it’s one of those things that are part of domestication and that dogs may still feel a bit odd about.

After all, what are food bowls all about? They’re crafted for humans who want their homes to stay tidy. So to prevent dogs from spreading their dinner all over the floor, we let dogs eat straight from a bowl like humans do.

However, not all dogs are happy about this and some may revert to their instinct to want to eat straight off the floor, so they’ll take a mouthful of kibble and eat it away from the bowl.

Often, it’s a matter of not liking certain features of the food bowl. Perhaps the bowl moves too much, makes noise or dogs  are annoyed by the reflections they see when they eat when using a metal bowl.

Some dogs may be put off eating from their bowl if it gives off odors they do not like such as soap residue. Some other dogs may not be comfortable eating nearby other dogs or noisy areas so they’ll quickly grab a mouthful and then consume it in a more quiet place. This can likely be behavior reminiscent of the old days when dogs would carry off meat or bones from a kill so to eat them in peace or save for later.

idea tipWhat to do: if your dog is bothered by his tags, try removing your dog’s collar just when he eats so that those tags will stop producing that annoying metallic noise. Chances are, without his tags he may eventually feel more comfortable eating directly from the bowl.

If there are other dogs nearby or you feed in a high-traffic area, try feeding your dog in a more quiet place. Feeding in a crate or small room can prevent, or at least minimize, the chances for making a mess. For dogs who dislike reflections, an option is to cover the bowl with a clean towel and lay food on it, and for dog who dislike the fact that the food bowl moves, investing in a non-skid bowl may be an option.

For desperate cases,  you can try feeding from a smaller bowl (or a larger one if your dog dislikes feeling his whiskers touch the bowl) or a flat dish or you can try adding something tasty to the contents of the bowl that cannot be eaten away, such as a bit of low sodium chicken broth or some diluted meat-based baby food with no onion or garlic added.

“If there are other dogs in the house, separate them at feeding time to allow for privacy, so there’s no threat of competition — either real or imagined.”~Dr. Julie Albright-Keck

Ready for food bowl delivery?

3) Dogs Who Move The Food Bowl Around

Does your dog take your food bowl on a tour of the house every time it’s feeding time? Have you ever found yourself holding your dog’s food bowl still by holding it with your foot? Again, you’re not alone. Many dog engage in this behavior, especially if the food bowl is the type that allows this behavior. We like to call these dogs the “delivery dogs” who like to “deliver” their bowls all around the house.

First off, consider that any behavior that involves food is potentially reinforcing. In other words, whatever your dog does before getting his food will likely repeat in the future. It’s just the nature of things.

Just as your dog will sit more and more if you give him food after he sits, your dog will learn to move the food bowl around if that helps him get food. In simple words, his behavior of pushing the bowl around is rewarded.

Again, dogs don’t do this to upset their owners, it’s just one of those things that happen. Your dog gives the food bowl a little nudge when food is stuck in the corner of the bowl? Next time he’ll likely use that strategy again and again.

idea tipWhat to do:  you have several choices to curb this behavior. There are several non-skid mats you can use that will keeps the bowl steady or you can invest in a bowl that has a non-skid silicone bottom. Some dog owners have success using a food dish stand.

Ready for treasure hunt?

4) Dogs Who Tip Their Food Bowl Over

Some dog owners can be quite annoyed by their dog’s behavior of tipping over the food bowl. Why would dogs tip over their food bowl? Again, we must be reminded that dogs are not humans, so they have reason to not adhere to our standards of keeping the house tidy by keeping food enclosed in bowls.

Some dogs seem to do it just for the fun of it. The food scatters everywhere and they get to go on a treasure hunt, which may satisfy their need to forage. Think of it as a fun doggy buffet!

Some other dogs might not like their food bowl for several reasons, as explained above such as its smell, size, material or the noise produced when the collar tags clash against it when eating.

Some dogs may also find it annoying if their whiskers repeatedly touch the bowl while they’re eating.

idea tipWhat to do: if your dog tips his food bowl over, you are not alone. Indeed, marketers have astutely invented heavy food bowls and non-tip food bowls for frustrated dog owners. Some dog owners have success using a food dish stand.

For dogs who seem to have fun with their “doggy buffets,” you may instead want to try one of those food bowls that offer an interactive food puzzle. Win win!

If your dog is tipping the food bowl over and not eating as he usually does, suspect a medical problem or consider whether the food may have gone rancid. Perhaps it’s time to try another brand. If the behavior is unusual, it might be worthy listening to your dog: when the infamous 2007 pet food recalls occurred, several dog owners reported that their dogs started tipping over their food bowls and going on a food strike out of the blue!

veterinaryConsider Medical Problems

If your dog has always been eating from the food bowl with no problems, and now he’s suddenly scared of it or acting weird, consider that at times there may be an underlying medical problem.

Your dog may have a sore on his chin that hurts when the touches the food bowl or perhaps he has dental pain and has started to associate it with eating from the bowl.

Sometimes dogs with neck problems will be reluctant to lower their head to eat, which can be interpreted as a dog refusing to eat from a food bowl.

Vision problems may also be a culprit for weird dog behaviors around food bowls.

And, as mentioned, with dogs who tip their food bowl over, don’t just rush to assume they’re acting finicky, it could be they may be nauseous or have a loss of appetite, especially if they end up not eating their food.

Seven Fascinating Dog Coat Color Patterns


Dogs come in a wide array of different shapes and sizes and one of the most distinguishing features is the fact dogs come in many fascinating coat colors. Some coat colors are quite common, while others are quite unusual to come by. As much as a dog’s coat color is impressive, it’s important to avoid choosing a dog based exclusively on coat color or looks alone. Other factors such as health and temperament and activity levels are important factors to consider.  Dog owners must also be wary of breeders who breed for a specific coat color only, ignoring other important aspects such as health, conformation and temperament. In some cases, some stunning dog coat colors come with a price: associated health problems that perspective dog owners should be aware of.

1) The Merle Dog Coat Patterndog-merle-coat

The merle coat is a fascinating coat pattern characterized by a marbling effect of dark patches against a background of the same color, only lighter.

There are different varieties of merle such as blue merle (with mottled black patches) and red merle (with reddish patches) and merle dogs may also have blue eyes or eyes of different colors (complete heterochromia) along with flecks and marbling.

Some dog breeds with the merle pattern include Australian shepherds, Shetland sheepdogs, collies, Catahoula Leopard Dogs, Chihuahuas, Cardigan Welsh Corgi and great danes.

As much as a merle coat is appealing to the eye, it’s associated with some serious health conditions.

For example, breeding a merle with another merle is asking for trouble as this can lead to puppies that have two copies of the merle gene, which are referred to as double merle puppies. Double merle puppies are prone to deafness and blindness, and are susceptible to the effects of the sun, which predisposes them to skin cancer. To prevent transmission of hereditary problems that are associated with the merle gene, breeding two dogs with this coat should be avoided.

Merle is a random dilution gene… think of bleach. Take a tooth brush and dip it bleach. Now splatter a black t-shirt with the bleach. You will NEVER get the exact same design twice. This is what the merle gene does.. Since the places that merle gene lands are rather random, you get all different looks. Patches, dots, spots, bands for example. If the gene lands in the eyes, we get beautiful and highly desired blue eyes! If the gene lands enough on the nose, especially with a few other genes in the mix, you get pink on the nose.”~ Carol, breeder at Keen Pomeranians

idea tipDid you know? A merle dachshund is called a dapple.



2) The Brindle Coat Pattern


Like merle, brindle is also a coat color pattern, it is often described as being “tiger-striped.” The stripes are irregular and dark against a lighter base color that is often fawn, brown or gray.

The brindle coat pattern is found in several dog breeds including great danes, bulldogs and boxers. In boxers, black brindle or reverse brindle may occur, where a heavy concentration of black striping covers almost all the fawn background making it look as if the coat is actually black with fawn stripes.

In dogs with long, wiry or curly fur, the brindle markings may appear less distinct.

There are several variations of the brindle coat color pattern such as blue brindle, red brindle, liver brindle, fawn brindle and brown brindle.

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idea tipDid you know? Jack was a brindle bulldog that was featured in the famous book “Little House on the Prairie” books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.


harlequin-dog-coat3) The Harlequin Coat Pattern

The harlequin is also a specific color pattern. In the harlequin, the base background color is pure white while gray or black torn patches are randomly distributed over the dog’s body.

The black patches should ideally be not too small but, at the same time, not too big as to cover large areas and appear like a blanket.

It can be said that the harlequin coat pattern is related to the merle pattern. Basically, in the harlequin, a white background is present instead of the usual blue background as seen in merles.

There are not too many breeds boasting the harlequin coat. The most popular one is the great dane. Some people confuse a young  harlequin great Dane for a Dalmatian. Even though both breeds are technically white with black areas, the Dalmatian has white smooth rounded spots while a harlequin great dane has torn patches.

Producing this coat color is not easy and often cannot be attained by just simply crossing two harlequin specimens.


“Dr. Leigh Anne Clark and colleagues at Clemson University have recently discovered the gene that causes the Harlequin phenotype… The discovery is a most interesting one, as it turns out the harlequin gene isn’t a “color” (pigment producing) gene at all. The harlequin gene simply alters the affect of the merle gene, so that the diluted regions (of merle coloration) otherwise seen are largely removed from the coat pattern, leaving behind the bi-color dog we know as a Harlequin… there is now proof positive that all Harlequins are genetic merles.~Great Dane Club of America

Did you know? The name of the harlequin coat pattern is inspired by “Arlecchino” a comic servant character from the Italian Commedia Dell’ Arte known for wearing a typical checkered costume.

4) The Ticked Coat Patterndog-ticked-coat

Ticked coat patterns are characterized by smaller spots of black or colored hairs found on a white background.

One main feature of this pattern is that it’s present only in the white parts of the dog’s coat. You may see ticking therefore on widespread areas or on just certain areas, such as on the white of a dog’s legs or on the white part of the muzzle.

Ticked coats are often found in many gun dogs and dogs bred for hunting such as German shorthaired pointer, German wirehaired pointer, Brittany, English springer spaniels and bluetick coonhounds.

An interesting fact about ticked coats is that puppies are not born with them but rather develop the ticked coat pattern later as they develop.


dog-spotted-coat5) The Spotted Coat Pattern

Among the plethora of dogs breeds populating this planet, the Dalmatian is the only spotted breed and of course this breed had to make it on the list of fascinating dog coat patterns.

Cruella De Vil fell in love with the spotted dogs in the movie “The 101 Dalmatians” but dog lovers love these dogs for many other reasons other than their fur (hopefully!)

According to the American Kennel Club, a Dalmatian’s background color is pure white with round dense black or liver brown spots. The importance of the spots being this color is so important that any other color is means for disqualification in the show ring.

The spots are expected to range from the size of a dime to the size of a half-dollar.

Like some other dog breeds, this appealing coat pattern comes at a price. The same genes responsible for the spots are also what may predispose this breed to deafness due to the extreme piebald (sw) pigment genes.

Deafness in piebald animals is linked to the absence of mature melanocytes in one or both ears. According to veterinarian Dr. George M. Strain at Louisiana State University, eight percent of all Dalmatians in the US are bilaterally deaf and 22 percent are unilaterally deaf.

idea tipDid you know? Dalmatian puppies are born white without any spots showing, but just ’cause you don’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there! The spots are there since birth, but they only become fully visible when the pups mature and the hairs turn black.

6) The Roan Coat Patternroan-dog-coat-pattern

Roan and ticked coat patterns are terms that are often used interchangeably. There is still quite some ambiguity on the usage of such terms. In 1957, Little suggested that the terms roan and ticking should be used separately.

Generally, the roan coat pattern consists of a fine, even mixture of pigmented hairs and white hairs. Basically, the different colored hairs are so closely spaced that the mixture appears to be giving the impression of a blue gray or iron gray color.

A dog with a coat comprising black and white hairs is called a blue roan. Other roan types include red roan, lemon roan, liver roan and brown roan.


“You may hear roan Australian Cattle Dogs referred to as “speckled” or “mottled” – these terms just refer to different extents of roan and ticking.”~Dog Genetics Co.

tricolor-dog7) Tricolor Coat Pattern

As the name implies, this dog coat  pattern is made of three different colors.

Usually the three colors consist of black, tan and white. Generally, it’s a black and tan dog with white markings.

However, there are also tricolored dogs coming in liver, blue and isabella.

Common dog breeds that come with a tri-colored coat include the Bernese Mountain Dog, Entlebucher Mountain Dog,, Beagle, rat terrier, papillon and basenji.

As seen, dogs can boast quite some fascinating coats. There are of course, many other colors and patterns that are equally attractive. What is your favorite coat color and pattern?


  • Dog Genetics, Merle Series, retrieved from the web on October 28th, 2016
  • Byrne, Georgina (1990) [1990]. “Gene Loci for Coat Colour and Pattern”. Der Deutsch Kurzhaar, The German Shorthaired Pointer. Georgina & Michael Byrne.
  • American Kennel Club, Glossary, retrieved from the web on October 28th, 2016

   Photo Credits:

  • A blue merle-colored Cardigan, by DhlstrmCC BY-SA 3.0
  • A Great Dane with the brindle color pattern. Harlis.jpg: Rytis Mikelskas derivative work: Pleple2000 (talk) Harlis.jpg Medium weight brindle Great Dane CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Dogge Odin, Deutsche Dogge Odin aus dem Nebelgrund (Land Brandenburg). Weiblich, 4 Jahre alt. Aufgenommen am 19.02.2006.Viborg~commonswikiCC BY-SA 3.0
  • German Shorthair Pointer, liver & white patched (head) and ticked (body),Honey Hit&Miss, owned by Donna Sprouse Photo by Ellen Levy Finch, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • A 60-pound, eight-month-old Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, ZakattakkOwn work 9 months old, 60 lbs (eventually approximately 100 lbs), CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Dalmatiner “Prunella Fitzgerald de Puech Barrayre”Le dalmatienOwn work, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Australian Cattle dog, Photo by Ellen Levy Finch (Elf).English Wikipedia en:Image:AustrCattleDogBlue wb.jpg Australian Cattle Dog (blue) ADCH O-NATCH Jumpin’Jack Flash (JJ) Taken Feb 22,2004 at the SMART/USDAA dog agility competition in Salinas, CA. CC BY-SA 3.0

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Can Dogs Sense the Paranormal and See Ghosts?


Dogs are often believed of being capable of detecting paranormal activity, and perhaps this is because of their highly developed senses, but are dogs truly gifted to sense the paranormal? Can dogs really sense the presence of a spirit of ghost? Countless dog owners report that their dogs at times act as if they have seen a ghost, intently staring at the wall or ceiling and barking repeatedly but there’s nothing there. What is going on? Some explanations are quite down to earth, but interestingly, at times, things may never have a proven explanation. So today, let’s discover more facts that tie dogs more closely to the paranormal along with some interesting ghostly tidbits.

can-dogs-sense-ghostsDogs Can Hear Things Humans Cannot

When your dog is barking intently at noises you cannot hear, it’s easy to wonder whether he’s interacting with some poltergeist in the mood for mischief especially around this time of the year, but can dogs really hear ghosts?

Barking at the wall or ceiling may seem to suggest that, but perhaps it’s best to skip contacting your local paranormal investigation team for now and have your local exterminator’s number on speed dial instead.

Before assuming your dog is responding to some sort of paranormal events, let’s take a look at some interesting facts about his uncanny ability to detect sounds.

Dogs are known for being blessed with sensitive ears and you can literally watch them move their ears in different directions to attain a better reception. Blessed with 18 muscles, watch those doggy ears in action: rising, lowering, tilting, rotating and even moving independently from one another!

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Noises are simply sound waves traveling along molecules in the air, but it takes a specialized sense of hearing to allow reception of the world’s faintest sounds. First off, consider distance. Sounds you’re able to hear may range from 20 feet away,  bit Rover is capable of detecting from as far as 80 feet. Then, consider pitch. Rover wins big time here again, detecting frequencies that are twice as high in pitch compared to the ones you’re capable of perceiving.

So with this being said, it may sound doable for a dog to sense ghosts, doesn’t it? After all, ghost hunters invest in amplified microphones and digital audio recorders to detect the paranormal, but when it comes to Rover, he certainly seems to be naturally gifted.

However, most likely, your dog is not reacting to a ghost or spirit, but something more down to earth such as some distant noise, or if he’s barking and staring at a specific spot, some sort of critter living in your wall, ceiling or basement. Mice, raccoon, bats, squirrels, opossum and birds are critters known for making themselves at home in people’s houses, so relax and consider calling your local exterminator (hopefully one that’s committed to humane pest control) to have your home inspected.

idea tipFun fact: Dogs have the uncanny ability to hear ultrasonic frequencies,  high-pitch sounds that are mostly over 20,000 Hz. According to Louisiana State University, humans are capable of detecting sounds within the range of 64 to 23,000 Hertz, while dogs can detect sounds between 67 and 45,000 Hertz.

And They Can See Things Humans Can’t Seecan-dogs-see-ghosts

Dogs may miss out on visual acuity, but they are gifted with other vision features that are worthy of discovering. Sure, Rover might not be able to tell the difference in color between a Granny Smith or Red Delicious apple, (dogs see colors in a similar fashion as people who are red-green color blind -that makes him a deuteranope by the way), but he’s certainly better than us in seeing in the low-light conditions. This must have put dogs on an evolutionary advantage back in the days when they were hunting down nocturnal critters.

So with this being said, it sounds doable that dogs may be capable of sensing the presence of ghosts. After all, ghost hunters invest in night vision and infrared cameras to detect paranormal activities.

However, if you see your dog staring intently at something, it’s more likely he just spotted some random bug such as a moth or a spider rather than witnessing a ghost!


idea tipFun Fact: On top of seeing better in dark conditions, dogs have also the ability to see ultraviolet light. According to a study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, researchers found that the lens of dogs and other many mammals allowed some ultraviolet light through. This may have further helped dogs hunt at night since the ability to see ultraviolet increases visual sensitivity in low light conditions, therefore helping a dog discern a grey rodent running against a backdrop of a brown field at dusk.

dog-ghost-activityCan Dogs Detect Ghosts Then?

Being equipped with superior senses means that dogs are better capable than us in detecting things that we cannot see, smell or hear. This often makes us wonder if dogs can sense paranormal activities.

There are many stories of dogs acting weird in the home, dogs chasing what look like orbs and dogs acting scared without a plausible explanation. While there may be many down to earth explanations for these behaviors, at times though, it seems like no reasonable explanation can be found. Does this mean that dogs can see ghosts?

The chicken- or- the -egg dilemma applies here perfectly: If ghosts don’t really exist, how can dogs ultimately detect them in the first place? Is paranormal dog behavior therefore non-existent?

For those who believe in ghosts, the answer is almost a no-brainer: of course, dogs can sense ghosts! And statistics show lots of people believe in them. According to a 2005 Gallup Poll, 37 percent of Americans believe in haunted houses, while 32 percent believe in ghosts.

And for those skeptics out there, they might want to know what science has to say. As of today, science doesn’t really seem to have an explanation as there doesn’t seem to be any credible empirical data to support the existence of any paranormal activities or events. The one million dollar prize offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) to anyone who can demonstrate a supernatural or paranormal event under agreed-upon scientific testing criteria, has yet to be granted. Until then, it just seems like behind every orb, shadow or possible poltergeist, there’s always some perfectly rational explanation. However, for those ghost believers out there, science has something that can bring some hope about dogs being able to sense the paranormal and this time it comes from Einstein: “Energy never dies; it can neither be created nor destroyed.” So the next question is: what happens to that energy? With that being said Happy Howl-o-ween to all!

Did you know?  Great danes were believed in the past to make great ghost hunters as they always seemed to have an uncanny ability to seeing things that are “not” there, explain Gerald Hausman and Loretta Hausman  in the book “The Mythology of Dogs: Canine Legend.” Scooby-Doo and Marmaduke were likely inspired by this breed’s trait.



  • Louisiana State University, How Well Do Dogs and Other Animals Hear?, retrieved from the web on October 27th, 2016. 
  • D Warfield. 1973. The study of hearing in animals. In: W Gay, ed., Methods of Animal Experimentation, IV. Academic Press, London, pp 43-143.
  • RR Fay & AN Popper, eds. 1994. Comparative Hearing: Mammals. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research Series. Springer-Verlag, NY.
  • Strain, George M. Hearing frequency ranges for dogs & other species? Lousiana State University. 3 June 2003.

Photo Credits:

Flickr, Creative Commons, wakefielddavid, Ghost Dogs CCBY2.0


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Can A Litter of Puppies Have More Than One Father?


The appearance of a single pitch-black pup in a litter of immaculate white puppies might have people wondering whether it’s possible for puppies to have more than one father. Who’s your daddy, little pup? While you won’t find puppies taking paternity tests on the Maury or Jerry Springer show to help solve a family mystery, in dogs genetics may often pitch in and provide a plausible explanation. If you’re scratching your head in disbelief wondering whether Sophie, your purebred dam messed around with some determined mutt in the neighborhood, or if you’re plain curious, read on to discover  a little more about the world of canine reproduction and genetics.

are-dogs-monogamousMonogamy, Not a Doggy Thing

The world of animals is populated by several romantic examples of monogamy coming from beavers, otters, foxes, bats and wolves , but dogs, even though related to wolves, are far from being monogamous beings. Why is that?

While dogs and wolves share the exact same number of chromosomes (78 arranged in 39 pairs) they are quite different beings, courtesy of the thousands of years separating them. Indeed, there are more than a dozen of differences between wolves and dogs which sets them apart. Many of these differences are due to domestication. Just as with dogs now shedding for the most part year-round rather than seasonally as they used to, domestication has likely also played a role in making them more promiscuous.

What’s the purpose of being monogamous in the wild? Most likely, monogamy offers some advantage in altricial species who give birth to young that are particularly vulnerable and benefit from extra parental supervision and protection.

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This remains the most commonly accepted explanation since offspring appear to have a better chance of surviving when both parents are involved in raising them, according to Live Science. 

idea tipDid you know? When it comes to being faithful, urban coyotes win the title as most loyal partner.  According to a study conducted by scientists with Colorado State University,  “coyotes living in cities don’t ever stray from their mates, and stay with each other till death do them part.”

Wolf Versus Domestic Dogwolf-versus-dog

According to Steven Lindsey, wolves tend to reach sexual maturity at around 22 months. Wolves are monogamous and females go into heat only once a year during peak breeding season giving birth to pups when the rigors of the winter are over.

When the wolf pups are born, they are in a helpless, underdeveloped state and are raised in their maternal dens so they are safe from predators.

Helping raise the pups is a family affair that involves the older siblings, aunts, and uncles and also the pups’ father. Since the pups are too young and vulnerable to venture out of their dens, it’s the job of dad and extended family to bring back to the pups tasty meals of regurgitated meat, according to The Field Museum.

When it comes to dogs though, things are quite different. Dogs are polygamous and female dogs can go into heat between 6 and 12 months of age and for the most part bi-annually (the basenji is an exception) pretty much at any time of the year. Female dogs are often willing to mate with multiple partners, given the opportunity. And when the puppies are born, they are raised in comfy, temperature-controlled whelping boxes. Dog owners have replaced the extended family that a dog’s ancestors relied on and are readily available for assistance. For many years, indeed dog owners have assisted with the whelping process, taking care of struggling pups and, instead of regurgitating food, weaning pups are provided with a nice bowl of puppy mush! How’s that for convenience?

“Wolves breed only once a year, during the winter months so the pups will be born in the spring, when food is plentiful and the weather less severe. The season begins in late December and proceeds until late February or early March.”~Wolf Education and Research Center

The Making of A Multi-Sired Litterdifferent-looking-puppies-in-same-litter

So we know for a fact that dogs are polygamous. Indeed, for centuries, humans have been selectively breeding male dogs with multiple females and females with multiple males. With females, though things can get tricky, so for those folks professionally breeding, it’s best to let them breed with only one particular male during a heat cycle and then keep’em under strict supervision as accidents have been known to happen even under the nose of the most observant and responsible breeders.

If allowed to breed with multiple males, a female dog may therefore give life to what’s known as a multi-sired litter or dual-sired litter. Here’s a little sneak peak into what happens.

When a female is in heat, she produces several ova (eggs) that are readily available to be fertilized for several days. Since one ovum (egg) and one sperm is all it takes to make an embryo and ova are released over a 24 hour time span, Sophie can have some eggs fertilized by Romeo and then some others fertilized by Homer, giving life to a litter of pups fathered by different dogs. So yes, puppies can have more than one father, meaning that within the same litter, some puppies may be sired by one male while the rest may be sired by another, but never both.

It can therefore be quite upsetting for a breeder, who paid a nice amount of money for stud services (so that Princess the purebred poodle could be mated with handsome Happy jack, a multi-champion poodle) to discover that Scruffy the neighbor’s mutt was able to breed with Princess a day later when she escaped the yard. The breeder may therefore not be too enthusiastic when he discovers 63 days that Princess gave birth to a part purebred, part mixed-bred litter!

The Truth Comes Out

If you really need to know whether you’re dealing with a multi-sired litter, you can skip all the drama associated with a lie detector test and instead invest in a good dog DNA testing kit for dogs which should be able to tell you whether your female dog had an “affair” with more than one dog. Some DNA test should be also helpful in matching up the DNA of a particular puppy with the DNA of a suspected biological father. With this proof in hand, you can therefore register a multi-sired litter and provide the proof to any buyers.

idea tipDid you know? Some breeders purposely breed their female dog to two different studs either because of poor-quality or low sperm count or so to attain more genetic diversity without having to breed too many times. These multi-sired litters can even be registered with the American Kennel Club under “Multi-sired litter registration” as long as both parent dogs are purebred breeds and all criteria are met including proof of parentage determined through the AKC’s DNA Profile Program.



  • The Field Museum, Dedicated Animal Dads That Care for Their Young, retrieved from the web on October 22nd, 2016
  • International Wolf Center, Wolf Families. retrieved from the web on October 22nd, 2016
  • American Kennel Club, Stud Double, retrieved from the web on October 22nd, 2016

Photo Credits:

  • Flickr Creative Commons, Petful, Bride and Groom Dogs, CCBY2.0
  • Sally Wehner, DSC04988 CCBY2.0


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Interesting Facts About Dog Grooming


Dogs are often brushed, combed and  taken to grooming salons, but dog lovers may often miss out learning some interesting facts about dog grooming. A dog’s fur is made of keratin, the same protein that’s also present in hair, feathers, hoofs, claws and horns. Since dogs come in so many different shapes and sizes, it’s normal that they also have different types of coats which need different types of care. We may assume that dog grooming is just to for cosmetic appeal, but in reality, it has to do with health, and a whole lot too! Here are some fascinating facts about dog grooming that’ll hopefully help quench your thirst for canine knowledge and alongside help you discover something new too!

dog-coat-hair-stagesDog Fur Grows in Stages…

Did you know? Just like in people, a dog’s coat tends to grow in stages and different hairs are in different stages. This is a good thing, because if the hair follicles were all in the same phase at the same time, people and dogs would quickly become bald! Let’s take a closer look at these stages of dog hair growth.

The anagen stage is what takes place when your dog’s fur is actively growing. The catagen stage is an intermediate transitional stage that signals the end of the active growth stage, meaning that the fur has reached its genetically determined length. The telogen stage is the resting, dormant stage during which nothing really happens, and finally there’s the exogen stage when dog owners start to despair as dog’s coat start actively shedding…a lot.

The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine tells us that most dogs’ coats are for the most part in a telogen-predominant cycle. The anagen stage is brief, and once the coat reaches its genetically determined length, it cycles into the telogen stage until it dies, falling off the dog and right onto the floor, clothing and furniture.

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Because the coats of these dogs move rapidly to the dying and falling off stage, they are therefore shedding quite often, more than many dog owners may expect.

And  Yes, Shedding is a Year-Round Affairdog-shedding-year-round

Many dog owners are frustrated when they notice that their dogs aren’t the “seasonal shedders” as they thought, but rather shed their coats all year long.

“Shouldn’t Fluffy be shedding her winter and summer coat just twice a year?”

Nope, this may have been true in the old days when dogs lived outdoors all the time and were subjected to a variety of seasonal temperature variations, points out Billy Rafferty an award-winning pet stylist and Certified Master Groomer in the book “Happy Dog: Caring for Your Dog’s Body, Mind and Spirit.

The temperature-controlled environments most domestic dogs are subjected to live in nowadays  has therefore managed to fool Mother Nature causing changes  to their natural shedding patterns.

“Unless Fido is planning on taking frequent extended vacations in Antarctica to live with a pod of wild elephant seals, he will not experience true seasonal shedding.”~Billy Rafferty,  Jill Cahr.

dogs-with-hair-and-not-furSome Dogs Grow “Hair “Instead of Fur..

Did you know? Some dogs have “hair” instead of fur.  There is technically no difference in composition between hair and fur, so what makes these dogs so different?

It’s ultimately a matter of the pattern of growth. Hair in these dogs doesn’t shed like in other dogs because their hairs have a longer growing cycle (anagen phase). So the hair keeps on growing  until it either dies or is cut, further explains Bill Rafferty.

As much as this sounds like good news,  (less shedding anyone?), it has its own downside. Since the hair keeps growing, instead of most of it making it to the ground like normal dog fur would, it ends up getting trapped within the coat, intertwining with other hairs.

The outcome? A predisposition for paving the path to tangled and matted messes if these dogs are not routinely brushed and clipped. So the money you may save in lint rollers, you end up spending at the grooming salon.

What dog breeds have “hair” instead of fur? Here is a brief list: bearded collies, Lhasa apsos, coton de Tulear, Havanese, Tibetan terriers, Maltese, shih tzus and Yorkshire terriers. These are just a few of several dog breeds with hair instead of fur.

But Matted Hair is a Big Problem…dog-coat-full-of-mats

All dogs need regular grooming but as mentioned, some dogs need this more frequently than others to prevent annoying tangling and matting.

Mats are densely tangled clumps of hair that are not only unsightly, but painful and even dangerous too!

First of all, matted hair is difficult to comb, and dogs may start associating your grooming with pain, up until the point they may try  to wiggle away or even get defensive. You don’t want this to happen!

Secondly, matted hair traps moisture which can lead to severe inflammation and even skin infections triggered by bacteria and yeast entities that thrive in such an environment.

In very severe cases, matted hair can cut off blood supply to extremities, cause a fecal impaction, or even cause fly larvae such as maggots to inhabit the dog’s skin.

And third, in order to remove tight mats things get quite delicate, a groomer will need to use a very low blade to get under the mat and cut it off and this can lead to razor burns, serious skin irritation or even a serious cut should the dog move at the wrong moment, according to Best  in Show Grooming Salon. For this reason, many grooming salons will not accepted severely matted dogs, but would rather refer to a veterinary practice.

dog-hematoma-after-groomingAnd So Are Ear Hematomas…

Sometimes mats may form over a dog’s ears, and these can cause complications after being removed.

Mats restrict blood flow and after having the mats removed from the ears, a quick rush of blood will reach the vessels, and since the tissue has weakened, it can cause “bleeding out,” explains Debi Hilley, a former competitive groomer in her blog.

Sometimes, after being groomed, getting the ears cleaned or having hairs of the ears plucked out, dogs may feel compelled to shake their head. Excessive shaking may cause what’s known as an “ear hematoma” the swelling of the dog’s ear flaps from filling up with blood.

To prevent this, Best in Show Grooming Salon suggests for small dogs, cutting the end off of a sock and putting it over the dog’s ears in a hoodie-like fashion, just tight enough to prevent the dog’s ears from flapping, but loose enough, that the dog can move around comfortably. Alternatively, owners may invest in what  groomers use: a product known as a “Happy Hoodie”

“In the case of pets with heavy matting removed from the ears, it is not uncommon for the pet to shake the head so aggressively as to cause the formation of hematomas (bleeding bruises) at the edges of the ear flaps. This happens frequently in cocker spaniels and other breeds with drop ears.”~Town and Country Veterinary Care

Seeing the Groomer Can Be Stressful…dog-stressed-at-dog-groomer

Let’s face it: a trip to the groomer can be a stressful event for many dogs. It’s often inevitable for some level of  unpleasantness  to be associated with those visits. Baths, nail trims, blow dryers, noisy clippers, proximity to other dogs or people, being handled, restraint and the mere fact of being in a place away from home and separated from their families, all may play a role.

According to findings from a study, the grooming shop can be stressful for dogs for the entire duration of the grooming session but also during the the arrival up until the exit.

It’s therefore, for a good part, the responsibility of  staff at grooming facilities to take extra care in minimizing the stress from these visits. There are several things grooming staff can do to make visits less stressful such as giving arriving dogs a cookie (with the owner’s permission) and letting the dog approach them first rather than the other way around, suggest Daniel Estep, Ph.D. and Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D. in an article for the Rocky Mountain News.

dog pawBut There are Many Things Dog Owners Can Do

Dog owners can take a proactive approach to making those visits to the groomer more pleasant. For instance, stopping by the salon frequently just for getting treats by the staff, may help dogs familiarize themselves with the place and people. These “mock” visits are to create positive associations.

If your dog already is uncomfortable going to the groomer, these visits may help “compensate” the dog’s negative prediction of being dropped off there or having something unpleasant done. The action of entering the salon can also be put on a positive cue, such as saying in an upbeat tone  “let’s visit our friends!”

Most of all, dog owners can take a proactive approach by recognizing what components of the grooming session triggers the most anxiety. Is it the car ride? Is it being around strangers? Is it being touched in certain areas? Do certain noises make him anxious? Does your dog hate the slippery table? Tip: a non-slip mat may help. Once recognized the stimulus or stimuli that cause stress, dog owners can then help their dogs better tolerate them by letting the dog associate them with tasty treats.

For example, if your dog doesn’t like to have his ears handled, start touching him in an area nearby that he doesn’t mind much, and pair a cue, like “ears,” with the gentle touch in that area giving a tasty treat during and then immediately after  handling the area. Then, start gradually moving more and more towards the ear area, taking a step back in the process if the dog ever appears uncomfortable. Of course, use caution, if your dog ever seems defensive, avoid doing this and consult with a behavior professional.

There are also several calming aids that can help dogs relax more during these visits. DAP collars, the Happy Hoodie, Thunder Cap, not to mention natural calming supplements that your vet may recommend. Also,it  might be useful to train your dog to accept wearing a muzzle, that way, he’ll readily comply if the needs for wearing one at the vet or groomer ever arises.



  • The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, What do we know about the hair cycle in dogs? retrieved from the web on Oct 21st, 2016.
  • Pet Education, Skin & Hair Anatomy & Function in Dogs, retrieved from the web on Oct 21st, 2016.
  • Evaluation of dog welfare before and after a professional grooming session Chiara Mariti 1, *, Scighei Bein2 1 Department of Veterinary Science, University of Pisa – Italy 2

Photo Credits:

  • Flickr, Creative Commons, Arpit Gupt, it’s going to be hairy few months, CCBY2.0
  • Flickr Creative Commons,  Kathy Junk Yard dog, I felt sorry for this guy his fur was so matted. CCBY2.0
  • Flickr Creative Commons, maplegirlie, IMG_1379[1] CCBY2.0
  • Flickr Creative Commons, Barry Dog Groomer CCBY2.0

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Why Does My Dog Kick Back Legs After Pooping or Peeing?


Among the variety of odd and not-so-odd behaviors dogs engage in, kicking the back legs against the ground may be one that dog owners are often questioning about. Do dogs scratch the ground to clean their rear paws? Are dogs trying to bury their pee or poop just like cats do? Or are they perhaps just having a “kick” by acting mischievous trying to send dirt in their owners faces? Turns out, dogs may have their own set of  valid reasons to kick back with their back legs. Of course, until dogs can talk and give us their own personal explanations, we can only make assumptions. So here are some interesting “pawssibilities” behind this curious behavior.

dog sniffingA Matter of Scent

A dog’s nose rules and plays quite a big role in many doggy behaviors, from sniffing the ground to sniffing other dogs’ rears, to even kicking back with the hind legs right after peeing or pooping. But what does a dog’s nose have to do with dogs kicking back dirt with their back legs?

No, scratching the dirt is not a dog’s way to disperse scent or bury any traces as cats do, actually, the total opposite. When dogs kick up a storm of dirt after finishing with their business, they are actually leaving a message rather than setting a cover-up, explains veterinary behaviorist Dr. Nicholas Dodman.

Dogs have several scent glands (interdigital glands) on their feet, so when they are kicking the dirt, it’s likely that they are trying to leave behind their scent for other dogs to detect.

Interdigital glands are used for marking, but are also used for alarm, explains veterinarian Dr. Bonnie V. G. Beaver in the book “Canine Behavior: Insights and Answers.

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Perhaps this provides another facet as to why stressed dogs tend to sweat from their paws. Along with the sweat, they may be leaving behind important “alarm messages” giving other dogs a “head’s up” about the presence of a threat!

A Matter of Visiondog grasss

Sure, dogs rely a whole lot on scent, but their eyes are quite important too! There are therefore chances that when a dog kicks back dirt with his hind legs he may also be trying to leave some sort of visual marking as well.

According to a study conducted by Marc Bekoff, in the case of dogs scratching the ground with their back feet there are actually two different visual displays at play: the act itself of scratching the ground with the back legs which can grab the attention of other dogs, and the traces left in the substrate which act as visual markers.

 Ian Dunbar, describes such visual marks as functioning  in a similar fashion to some sort of arrow, telling dogs to follow the end of  the line of scratched dirt to find the urine. This disrupted terrain along with its scent and presence of poop or pee found just a little bit further, therefore helps put put an emphasis that “Rover was here.”

idea tipDid you know? Hediger, a Swiss biologist noted for work in animal behavior, back in 1949, coined the term “demonstration marking” to refer to conspicuous marking behaviors that may also play a role as visual social displays.


running huskyNot Only After Elimination

Kicking the dirt with back legs is not always a part of a dog’s elimination routine. As with everything dog related, there are never rules written in stone as dogs are individuals with their own little behavior quirks.

Dog owners therefore report that their dogs may also scratch up dirt when they are sniffing scent left behind from some other dog or perhaps some other animal. In this case, one may wonder whether the kicking up dirt behavior may be a way for the dog to mark over the scent, just as he would do with urine or feces.

What about dogs who seem to kick their legs when they are excited? Some dog owners report seeing their dogs kick their hind legs like bulls do just before charging. This behavior is often affectionately called by dog owners “the happy dance” as it often happens when dogs are about to start playing or know they are about to go on a walk.

And what about dogs who kick their back legs when barking? This seems like another of those behaviors that grant more research, until then, just make sure to be safe from any flinging mud, dirt, and debris!

Watch this Dog Kick up Dirt With a Passion!



  • Ground Scratching by Male Domestic Dogs: A Composite Signal, by Marc Bekoff, Journal of Mammalogy (1979): 
  • Puppy’s First Steps: The Whole-dog Approach to Raising a Happy, Healthy …By Nicholas H. Dodman, Lawrence Lindner,
  • Canine Behavior: Insights and Answers, By Bonnie V. G. Beaver, Saunders; 2 edition (January 5, 2009)


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Six Reasons Behind Your Dog’s Yawning Behavior


Most of us know what yawning in humans is all about, but when it comes to yawning behaviors in dogs, we may feel a bit stumped at times. Why is my dog yawning? Do dogs yawn when they are tired or is there more to it? What are some reasons dogs yawn? In order to better understand the mechanisms behind dog yawning, it’s necessary to discover more about what yawning behaviors really entail, what triggers yawning and, most of all, what a yawning dog is trying to tell us, which at times can be very important!

dog-yawningA Look into Yawning 

Yawning: we do it when we are bored, engaging in tedious activities or tired, and at times, we also do it when we see other people doing the yawning, hence its contagious nature.

Yawning entails stretching the mouth wide open, deeply inhaling some air and then following it up with an exhale. But why is yawning happening in the first place? What’s going on from a physiological standpoint? In nature, fish, snakes and even babies yawn, and scientists have been wondering about its purpose for many years and have come up with a few theories.

One theory has it that yawning takes place when blood contains high levels of carbon dioxide. Yawning therefore is believed to be a way to increase the intake of oxygen considering that it entails a deeper inhalation compared to regular breathing patterns.

Another theory has it that yawning helps remove tension accumulated in the jaw, tongue and throat, hence why it feels good.

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And then you have yawning that happens because of simply watching or hearing somebody else yawn. Have you felt like yawning at any time while reading this article so far? If so, let’s hope it’s not from boredom!

Did you know? A study conducted by study leader Teresa Romero of the University of Tokyo revealed that “dogs yawn contagiously when they see a person yawning, and respond more frequently to their owner’s yawns than to a stranger’s.”

6 Reasons Behind Yawning in Dogs

So what about yawning in dogs? Do dogs yawn for the same reasons people yawn, or is there more to it? Yawning in dogs seems to ultimately share a few similarities with human yawning, but dogs may also yawn for their very own reasons. Dogs may yawn after taking a nap, such as when they’re transitioning from sleeping to an awake state, but they are also prone to yawning in specific contexts that are worthy of paying attention to. Following are some important reasons dogs may be yawning.

dog lip lickingYawning for Calm

Given the choice, dogs would likely prefer to dig up a hole in the yard or bark at people passing by their homes rather than yawn from boredom, but when they do yawn in certain contexts, you may want to play close attention to what they may be trying to communicate.

Norwegian dog expert and trainer Turid Rugass, author of the famous dog book “On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals” lists yawning among her lists of calming signals in dogs. Calming signals  are signals dogs use to communicate as a way to provide pacification efforts when they feel tension or feel a bit uneasy.

So yes, pay close attention to what is going on when your dog yawns. Were you talking to him in an intimidating tone?  Scolding him for doing something he shouldn’t? Giving him a leash correction? Chances are, your dog finds certain things you do or situations as intimidating which makes him feel very uneasy. His yawning, just like lip licking, may therefore be his way to tell you to please calm down and use less stressful techniques when addressing undesirable behaviors.

“Yawning in public may be viewed as a relatively meaningless (or impolite) behavior among humans; it is conversation and conciliation when used by or directed to dogs.” ~Stanley Coren

Yawning for Stressstress-yawn

When you are nervous or stressed, you may bite your nails, tap your foot or bite your lips, Rover instead may choose to yawn when something stressful happens.
Again, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the context in which the yawning happens. If you tripped and ended up stumbling against your dog, he may “yawn” as if saying “yikes, that was close!” or if he was cornered at the vet’s office to get his ears and mouth examined, he may yawn as if to say “wow, that was too close for comfort!”

The ultimate proof of yawning from stress came from a dog trainer I apprenticed under who worked in the filming industry often training dogs to perform in commercials and movies. He showed me how he got dogs to yawn by getting nearby a dog and suddenly yelling “boo!” in his face. The poor dog, yawned as if saying “gosh! that was scary!”

Other than by yawning, stress and uneasiness in dogs may be manifested in many different ways such as through lip licks, whale eyes,  keeping the tail tucked between the legs, ears back and whining, just to name a few.

Is dinner ready yet?
Is dinner ready yet?

Yawning in Anticipation

While dogs are unable to predict things in the far future, sometimes, dogs may yawn when they anticipate something that’s about to happen.

Dogs have the uncanny ability of chaining together one event that leads to another. So your dog likely knows by now that, when you walk towards the closet and grab your jacket and keys, you are about to head out (and hopefully bring him along for a walk!)

So you may expect a yawn when your dog is looking forward to doing something like going for a walk and is growing a bit impatient perhaps. A yawn may therefore take place if say you grab the leash and then end up picking up the phone that is ringing and sit down to talk with a friend or if you are getting ready to prepare your dog’s dinner and are slow or put the food bowl away as you forgot that you need to do something else.

All of this built up anticipation that Rover experiences must therefore “go somewhere” so Rover dissipates through… you named it.. a yawn, which sometimes is accompanied by a hoo-ah-hoo” sound in what’s called a “howl-yawn. ” So yes, you may notice some yawns when there is a pause in what the dog perceives to be a predictable chain of events.

Yawning Out of Confusion


Last time we checked, dogs didn’t speak English (as of yet) so it’s normal and expected for humans and dogs to misunderstand each other at times.

Actually, to be honest, if we look at the whole picture, dogs and humans actually do quite a decent job in understanding each other for being two totally different species!

Thousands of years spent together hunting and working side-by-side have likely played a role in dogs and humans being so in tune with each other!

One area though where miscommunication is likely to occur is when it comes to the training department and we bombard our dogs with requests and sometimes unrealistic expectations which can cause a mixture of stress and confusion in dogs.

So if your dog starts yawning during a training session ask yourself: am I asking my dog a behaviors he is not too familiar with? Am I putting too much pressure on him? Am I asking too much? Does my dog perhaps need a little break?

“I have often seen a dog yawn immediately after its master scolded it for something, or gave it a very harsh correction…When the owner is taught to use a more friendly tone of voice for commands, the yawning behavior usually disappears.”~Stanley Coren

dog-yawnYawning in Conflict

Dogs can be quite impressive conflict solvers, too bad that often their conflict-solving efforts are not appreciated as they often go unnoticed!

At times, dogs may feel conflict in certain situation and instead of picking a way to solve the conflict, such as removing themselves from the situation or directly facing the source of conflict, they may pick a third option, and engage in what’s known as a displacement behavior.

So when a child steals Rover’s toy from under his nose (something that should be avoided) Rover may decide to yawn instead of snapping to get it back.

Of course, as with all things behavior related, we really can never interpret what a dog is thinking with total accuracy, so we can only make assumptions based on the contexts in which certain behaviors are happening.

A displacement behavior “is an action that pops out when an animal is in conflict about how to respond to something. This conflict produces low-grade stress and this can manifest as a behavior with no relevance or relation to the context.”~Jean Donaldson

Yawning for Medical Problemsdog-yawn

Dogs cannot tell us when they are feeling under the weather, so changes in behavior are often one of the first signs of dogs who are in pain or experiencing some type of discomfort.

For instance, a dog who is yawning, burping and stretching forward may be suffering from some sort of abdominal pain, explains veterinarian Dr. Kara.

If your dog is yawning and doesn’t seem comfortable or there doesn’t seem to be an explanation, it’s always best to report to the vet to rule medical causes out.

As seen, those doggy yawns can take place is several different contexts and situations. Paying attention to when your dog yawns is important so you can make some necessary changes that can potentially transform your relationship and create a bond that is better than before.


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