You’re likely already familiar with puppy dog eyes. You know, the ultimate secret behind that irresistible, heart-melting expression our dogs gift us with every day.
Perhaps, they’re the ultimate reason that makes us hand over our last bite of steak, let our pups sleep on the couch again, and forgive them for shredding our sneakers.
But what exactly are puppy dog eyes, and how did dogs evolve to deploy them so masterfully? Let’s discover more about a dog’s expressive eyes and how they mastered the subtle art of persuasion.
What Are Puppy Dog Eyes?
Puppy dog eyes are ultimately the secret behind your dog’s soulful expression. Dogs are known for having very expressive eyes, but what makes them attractive to us humans? Maybe it’s the fact that they’re capable of moving the muscles of their eyebrows.
This happens courtesy of the dog’s levator anguli oculi medialis (LAOM) muscle. This muscle is responsible for raising the dogs’ inner eyebrow. This muscle has been believed to have evolved as a direct result of domestication.
If we carefully watch our dogs, we will notice how they move their eyebrows in a variety of contexts. We this when they’re shifting their gaze, expressing emotions, and interacting with humans.
Stanley Coren, in the book How To Speak Dog, explains how eyebrow movements can signal emotions such as perplexity and concentration, anger and fear.
What’s interesting is that a groundbreaking study by Juliane Kaminski found that dogs produce more facial expressions when a human is facing them, compared to when a human is turned away.
This tells us that their expressions are socially driven behaviors meant to capture human attention. The most commonly observed (and cherished) movement? The famous inner eyebrow raise, which makes our dog’s eyes ultimately appear larger and more infant-like. This is a trait that us humans find overwhelmingly endearing.
Who can resist those puppy dog eyes?
The Evolutionary Advantage of Facial Expressions
Earlier research by Waller et al demonstrated that shelter dogs who frequently raised their inner eyebrows were adopted faster.
This suggests that dogs with expressive faces had a selective advantage in human environments whether through breeding choices or simply by winning the hearts of more potential adopters.
The more often dogs made facial movements that resulted in raising their inner eyebrows, the quicker dogs were rehomed.
This makes one wonder whether dogs have learned to use their facial expressions as a way of getting what they want (human attention) or whether this is just a trait that dogs have been selectively bred for throughout the years.
Did you know? Research by Nagasawa et al revealed that upon noticing the owner’s arrival, dogs moved their left eyebrows for about half a second, suggesting a positive social emotion. They failed to move their eyebrows though in response to attractive toys or when strangers greeted the dog.
This suggests that certain eyebrow movements may be hardwired signals of affection and social bonding, rather than purely strategic manipulations.
Are Dogs Aware of Their “Eye Power?”
At this point, you may be wondering: do dogs consciously use their facial expressions to manipulate humans? Or has this become an automatic behavior due to selective breeding?
While we cannot say for certain, the fact that dogs exhibit these expressions more when humans are watching, seems to strongly suggest that dogs must understand their impact.
However, a new 2024 study from Baylor University seems to suggest that puppy dog eyes aren’t a clever evolutionary trick designed to manipulate humans, as we thought Turns out, coyotes can do it too!
Coyotes: The Unexpected Masters of Puppy Dog Eyes
The study led by Patrick Cunningham examined the levator anguli oculi medialis (LAOM) in coyotes. The findings, published in Royal Society Open Science, reveal that coyotes possess a well-developed LAOM, much like domestic dogs.
This finding now challenges the long-standing belief that s dog’s LAOM muscle evolved purely as a result of domestication. So now what?
Turns out, puppy dog eyes” are unlikely to be the evolutionary ploy meant to melt human hearts. Perhaps what we’re looking at in reality is an ancestral trait shared by multiple species in the Canis genus.
In a nutshell, before dogs ever sat by the fire begging for scraps, their wild relatives were already working the eyebrow game!
Coyotes have puppy dog eyes too.
Comparing Coyotes, Dogs, and Wolves
To further test this theory, Cunningham’s team compared the facial muscles of coyotes, dogs, and gray wolves.
Interestingly, his research found that while dogs and coyotes shared a well-developed inner eyebrow-raising muscle, gray wolves either lacked the muscle entirely or had a reduced version of it.
If puppy dog eyes were truly an adaptation driven solely by human selection, wolves—who are more closely related to our dogs—would likely have retained it.
So what does this study suggest? Most likely that these canine’s facial expressions must have played a role in facilitating intraspecies communication, hunting coordination, or even social bonding within their social groups.
So rather than having evolved to make dogs look irresistibly cute to us, puppy dog eyes are likely more related to some form of social signaling among wild canids.
Patrick Cunningham, Mahita Shankar, Bridgett vonHoldt, Kristin E. Brzeski, Sarah S. Kienle. Coyotes can do ‘puppy dog eyes’ too: comparing interspecific variation in Canis facial expression muscles.Royal Society Open Science, 2024
Can dogs be ticklish? Tickling, consists of that delightful (or diabolical) quirk of the nervous system that makes us giggle, squirm, and sometimes accidentally punch our well-meaning ticklers.
But have you ever wondered if dogs, our ever-loyal and often goofy companions, experience this strange phenomenon too? Can dogs be ticklish in the same way humans are?
This is certainly something important to discover because we really must know whether our dogs like or dislike being touched in certain ways or in certain places.
The Role of Dog Fur in Sensory Perception
Dogs don’t just have sensitive skin, they have hair that is also equipped to detect movement. A dog’s fur is wired to detect changes in the air or small movements in their immediate environment.
When something brushes against their fur—say, a bug crawling along their back—this causes the hair to move slightly. The movement of the hair stimulates nerve endings in the skin, sending signals to the dog’s brain that something is there.
This is why dogs may often seem overly sensitive to certain touches, or why they quickly flick their skin or shake when something brushes against them.
Can Dogs Be Ticklish?
So can dogs be ticklish? Let’s start by saying this: dogs are capable of experiencing sensations similar to ticklishness, but their responses are different from humans.
While they may not giggle like we do when they’re tickled, they certainly have some highly sensitive spots that can trigger reflexive reactions, like twitching legs, kicking, or squirming.
This is likely more akin to an involuntary, reflexive reaction rather than the playful “laughing” response we associate with tickling.
Just like humans, dogs have areas of their body that are especially sensitive to touch. Dogs with a healthy nervous system are blessed with sensitive skin due to the high density of nerve endings in certain parts of their bodies.
These nerve endings are known as mechanoreceptors, and they are specialized in detecting pressure, vibration, and light touch. The higher the concentration of these receptors in an area, the more sensitive that area is to touch.
However, this is more of a response to light pressure or touch, akin to a crawling sensation that triggers a physical reaction. It’s not exactly the same as what we would consider ticklishness, which often combines an emotional response (laughter) with the physical sensation of being touched in a very specific way.
Still, dogs do exhibit behaviors that look a lot like being ticklish, even if their experience doesn’t quite mirror our own.
Can dogs be ticklish? Yes, dogs can be particularly “sensitive” to being touched in certain areas of their bodies.
Some “Ticklish” Parts of a Dog’s Body
Let’s therefore take a closer look at some areas where dogs are particularly sensitive to touch. When touched in these areas, some dogs may reflexively respond in a way that may be perceived as if they’re being tickled.
Paw Pads
Can dogs be ticklish on their paws? In humans, feet are the ultimate ticklish hotspot. Indeed, just thinking about the soles of your feet being lightly touched can make you squirm. But what’s going on there, neurologically speaking? And how does that relate to dogs, especially when it comes to their paws?
For humans, this ticklishness is partly due to the high concentration of nerve endings in the skin of our feet, particularly in areas like the soles, toes, and arches. The Pacinian corpuscles, a type of mechanoreceptor, are key players here.
These receptors are highly concentrated and make us highly responsive to even the lightest touch, which is why we often react with a giggle or involuntary movement when someone passes a feather on our soles of the feet.
In dogs, their paw pads are also highly sensitive. Much like humans, dogs have Pacinian corpuscles in their paw pads, which makes their paws extremely responsive to pressure, vibration, and even temperature changes.
This sensitivity helps dogs navigate their environment and detect things like vibrations in the ground or subtle changes in the terrain, all important for survival.
However, there’s a big difference between sensitivity and ticklishness. When you touch or manipulate a dog’s paws, you’ll often elicit a negative response, like pulling away, growling, or even snapping.
That’s because their paw pads play a crucial role in survival. In the wild, a dog’s paws are essential for tracking prey, escaping danger, and navigating various environments.
For a dog, the sensitivity of their paws is more than just a response to touch—it’s an essential part of their survival toolkit. Hot pavement or sharp objects can be felt through the paw pads, warning the dog to avoid potentially harmful situations.
Discomfort in having their paws touched can therefore be a sign that they feel vulnerable or threatened, as they associate paw manipulation with a loss of control over this important sensory tool.
Oh, look, they’re showing me their belly! They must want a belly rub!” But just like with any good mystery, there’s a lot more going on here than meets the eye (or the hand).
First off, let’s address the sensitivity of a dog’s belly. Dog bellies are notably sensitive to touch—and for good reason. The skin on a dog’s belly is much thinner and more delicate than the rest of their body.
In fact, this region is loaded with sensory nerve endings, making it a part of their body where they’re most likely to feel your touch in an intense way.
A dog’s belly area is also a place where dogs store vital organs, such as the stomach, intestines, and reproductive organs. It’s a vulnerable area, which is why dogs are naturally protective of it.
Even if they roll over and expose their belly, this doesn’t always mean they’re entirely comfortable or asking for a belly rub. It’s important to realize that exposing the belly can be a sign of appeasement rather than a true invitation for physical affection.
Why do dog bellies lack hair or have very little hair there, you may ask? Here’s the scoop, a dog’s belly is an area that’s less exposed to the environment compared to the back, so it doesn’t require the same level of protection from the elements (like sun or cold).
That being said, as with the paws, the lack of fur in this area allows for better tactile sensitivity, which helps dogs feel the environment around them more acutely. In the wild, this can be useful for sensing potential threats or changes in their environment, whether it’s a predator sneaking up or an uncomfortable object brushing against them.
Furthermore, the absence of hair allows a dog to better regulate temperature in a way that’s less dependent on fur. In hotter climates, having a less furry belly can help with heat dissipation, as dogs enjoy laying down on cool surfaces to cool off.
So are dogs ticklish on their bellies? While dogs have sensitive areas, especially their bellies, paws, and sides, the same kind of reflexive, giggle-inducing ticklishness that humans experience doesn’t really happen in dogs. Their response to light touch in sensitive areas is more about sensitivity than tickling.
Dogs will therefore wiggle, squirm, or pull away, especially if they find the touch uncomfortable or overly stimulating.
Of course, dogs are individuals, just like people. Their preferences when it comes to belly rubs can vary based on personality and past experiences. Some dogs may love the sensation of a belly rub, while others may feel uncomfortable or even annoyed by it.
Not all dogs who expose their bellies are asking for a belly rub.
Can dogs be ticklish on their ears? While ears might not be “ticklish” in the same way that human feet or bellies are, they definitely react to touch. Dogs are very sensitive to ear contact due to the high concentration of nerve endings in their ears.
When you touch a dog’s ears, they might flick, shake, or move their head in response. This is more of an instinctive reaction to the sensation or even a way to shake off irritation or discomfort.
A dog’s ear flap (or pinna) therefore has a lot of nerve endings, so any contact, particularly around the base of the ear or on the ear tip, can feel very intense to them.
This heightened sensitivity has an evolutionary reason: it helps dogs detect and respond to bugs or other small environmental threats that may come into contact with their ears.
When I touched my Rottweiler’s ears very lightly with a blade of grass, his response would be to immediately twitch or shake his head. This must have felt very annoying, sort of like a bug crawling on him. Who wants a pesky bug crawling into the ears?!
Although dog ears don’t “tickle” in the human sense, dogs may be extra sensitive to ear contact. For example, some dogs may respond by shaking their head, pulling away, or flicking their ears when touched, which could be mistaken for ticklishness, but it’s more about discomfort.
Interestingly, when dogs are in a fearful state, they’ll instinctively pull back their ears as they are vulnerable parts of the body. By pulling their ears back they are made less of a target.
Many dogs dislike having their ears touched. The ears are quite sensitive, and many dogs see them as a vulnerable area of their body—much like their belly.
If a dog has had negative experiences with ear handling (such as painful grooming, past injury, or even rough handling), they may develop a strong avoidance behavior toward having their ears touched.
Dogs’ whiskers are like little sensory antennae. They are deeply embedded in the skin and are connected to a dense network of nerve endings. When something touches or brushes against their whiskers, it sends an immediate signal to their brain. The purpose is to alert them to the presence of a potential object or, yes, even a crawling insect.
These whiskers help dogs detect tiny movements in the air or on their skin, which is crucial for navigating their environment.
In essence, whiskers are like antennae, giving dogs information about the space around them, especially when they’re in low light or navigating tight spaces.
When whiskers are touched unexpectedly, a dog may feel disoriented or startled. This can lead to reactions like pulling away, shying back, or even growling. This may be why dogs dislike having people blow into their face!
The sensation dogs feel when their whiskers are touched is more about detection than the playful response we associate with ticklishness. They’re more concerned about processing information and sensing their environment rather than reacting in a playful or ticklish manner. So, while whiskers are sensitive, they’re not “ticklish” in the same way our feet or bellies are.
The Area By the Dog’s Tail
Everybody who owns a dog knows about those rump scritches—the magical spot that can send some dogs into a wiggly, happy dance! If you’ve ever scratched a dog near the base of their tail and watched them wiggle, kick, or do the “butt dance,” you’ve likely wondered: Is this a ticklish reaction, or do they just love it?
Can dogs be ticklish in this area? Again, dogs don’t experience ticklishness in the human sense, but they do have highly sensitive nerve endings in certain areas, including near the base of the tail.
When you scratch that area, it can trigger involuntary reactions like wiggling, kicking a hind leg, or even leaning into your touch.
This response may be triggered by giving a dog relief from an itchy, hard-to-reach spot. Dogs can’t easily reach their lower back and tail base to scratch it, so when a human provides relief, it feels amazing to the dog.
Unlike their shoulders or neck, where they can use their back legs to scratch, this area relies on external help for a good itch relief. Now you know why your dog loves so much to roll over his back and vigorously rub against the ground.
This area sheds less frequently than other parts of the body, meaning dead hairs and skin can build up. Since dogs can’t easily reach their rump, the sensation of a scratch can feel extra relieving.
If a bug crawls near the dog’s tail base, a dog might suddenly whip around, bite at the area, or scoot their butt on the ground to get rid of the sensation. Some dogs might react with a quick tail tuck or even bolt forward if they suddenly feel something crawling back there.
This is more of an instinctual flight response rather than outright fear.
Is a Dog’s Scratch Reflex a Sign of Feeling Ticklish?
Dogs have a scratch reflex that triggers leg kicking and is primarily triggered when scratching the sensitive nerve regions on a dog’s torso, belly, ribs, and flanks,
The scratch reflex was first scientifically studied by Sir Charles Sherrington, a British neuroscientist. He is famous for his research on reflexes, the nervous system, and spinal cord function.
The scratch reflex is an evolutionary defense mechanism that helps dogs react to: bugs, parasites, foreign objects, allergies and skin irritants.
Veterinarians sometimes use the scratch reflex to assess a dog’s neurological function, since a lack of response can indicate spinal or nerve damage.
Can dogs be ticklish in this area? Isn’t a dog’s scratch reflex a sign of a dog feeling ticklish? No, a dog’s scratch reflex is more of a built-in nerve response than a sign of ticklishness. So, that adorable leg-kicking action is just their nervous system doing its job—not them laughing at a good belly rub!
Is My Dog Really Enjoying Touch? Watch the Body Language Closely
Imagine if dogs growl or snap at us because our touch triggers overwhelming tickling sensations and our dogs wish us to stop!
“Non-consensual -or aggressive- tickling can be uncomfortable, and even painful for the recipient,” explains Albert Kok, with the University of Amsterdam in an unpublished paper on tickling.
Here’s the catch: dogs, deprived of the power of words, are utterly helpless in expressing whether being tickled is bliss or pure agony. It’s not like dogs have the luxury of saying, “Excuse me, my dear human, but this tickling sensation? It’s not the most comfortable thing for me, thanks!”
Nope, instead you’re stuck with a silent, furry language of body posture, tail wags, and the occasional yelp if things go too far. They’re like the “silent sufferers” of the animal kingdom, with no Yelp review option to warn others of “excessive belly rubbing” or “paws too far tickled.”
Without the ability to articulate, it’s therefore our job as empathetic owners to carefully watch our dog’s body language and see where our dogs stand in terms of tickling.
As you are petting/tickling your dog, look for a happy tail, loose body language, a relaxed face and mouth area. This body language may mean “Go ahead, tickle away!”
A tucked tail, stiffened posture, or a sudden snarl? That’s the furry version of a raised eyebrow saying, “You might want to back off, buddy.”
The Importance of Consent
Consent is ultimately the cornerstone of healthy, respectful interactions, whether we’re talking about human relationships, human-dog relationships, or, dare I say, even the slightly more awkward world of tickling!
As a dog trainer and behavior consultant, I can tell you that in the world of dogs, consent is paramount. But here’s the kicker: dogs don’t exactly wave a little flag that says, “Yes, tickle me!” or “No, not today!”
Again, it is up to us, the humans, to decipher their body language and ensure that we’re always respecting their boundaries.
This becomes especially tricky when a dog’s signals aren’t as clear as we might hope. Or when we, as well-meaning pet parents, we misinterpret those signals. This is where a consent test comes always handy. Consider that a dog’s sensitivity may sometimes vary from day to day, situation to situation.
“Ask” your dog routinely if he consents to petting. Looking up at you, when you stop petting may be a sign of him asking for more.
How to Carry Out a Consent Test
This is not a rigid process but a simple, mindful way to check in with your dog and ensure they’re comfortable with the interaction. It works similarly to the way we test whether our dog is up for a petting session. It’s all about reading the dog’s body language and respecting their response.
Here’s an easy peasy way to carry it out:
Begin by gently touching your dog and carefully watch for your dog’s reaction when you stop. Is your dog leaning more into you, looking at you with pleading eyes and nudging your hands? Is he pawing at you? If so, your dog may be saying “More please!”
Is he pulling back? Turning the head? Avoiding eye contact? Acting neutral or even moving away? That’s a sign that maybe they’re not into it, and you should slow down or stop. It’s very important to respect the “stop” signals.
In short, the importance of consent in your interactions with your dog is about ensuring that both you and your dog feel safe, respected, and comfortable.
Consent tests ultimately help build trust. When dogs see consistently that their signals are respected, they’re more likely to engage in positive, relaxed interactions with us.
Conversely, when dogs are repeatedly forced into uncomfortable situations, they may develop anxiety, fear, or even aggressive behaviors as a way of communicating their distress!
Not All Dogs Are the Same!
Of course, not all dogs are made the same as if using a cookie cutter to make a batch of cookies. Some dogs are more tolerant of touch than others. While one dog may happily accept a belly rub, another might be hugely sensitive about their paws being touched.
Some dogs are more sensitive than others and may take a little longer to warm up to touch. Others may be more decisive in telling you when they’re done.
By observing their behavior and following up with the simple “stop and check” method, you can develop a better understanding of what works for your dog, whether you’re engaging in tickles, cuddles, or any other form of affection.
Concluding Thoughts
So can dogs be ticklish? As seen, dogs don’t get tickled in the human sense. In the grand scheme of things, I think what’s critical to consider is the fact that tickling a dog is like playing a game of “guess the emotional state”—but without the safety net of verbal communication.
So, unless you’re very fluent in “canine body language,” be prepared to carefully interpret everything from leg kicks to suspicious side-eye when your hands stray a little too close to tickle territory.
Floppy ears in dogs are quite an invention! They are a defining characteristic of many dog breeds and despite their simple appearance, they hold various important functions. Need some examples? They are critical for communication, hearing ability, and health.
The presence of floppy ears is often associated with selective breeding and domestication, a phenomenon seen in studies like the famous farm fox experiment. If this is new to you, read on to discover more about this intriguing experiment.
So let’s take a closer look into the physiological aspects of floppy ears in dogs and their impact on a dog’s communication and hearing.
Furthermore, we’ll explore their evolutionary origins, and how they compare to dogs with erect ears.
The Physiology of Floppy Ears
In dogs, as it happens in people, it can be said that their ear structure is for the most part composed of cartilage and muscles.
The external ear, or pinna, consists of a flexible cartilage framework that is covered with skin and fur.
What makes a dog’s floppy ears “flop?” In breeds with floppy ears, the cartilage is softer and lacks the rigidity needed to keep the pinna upright.
In contrast, dogs with erect ears have stronger ear muscles, allowing them to move their ears independently for better sound localization.
The shape and structure of a dog’s ears also influence how they funnel sound waves toward the eardrum. What’s known is that floppy-eared dogs may experience a slight reduction in directional hearing compared to their erect-eared counterparts.
However, their overall hearing ability remains always significantly higher than humans and highly functional.
A Labrador Retriever’s floppy ears help reduce wind noise while retrieving and swimming—but they also make them prone to ear infections.
The Role of Floppy Ears in Communication
Dogs use their ears extensively to communicate with both humans and other animals. In erect-eared breeds, ear positioning plays a significant role in expressing emotions such as alertness, fear, or curiosity.
For example, pricked ears often indicate attentiveness, while ears laid back against the head suggest fear.
Floppy-eared dogs, however, have a more limited range of ear mobility due to reduced ear muscle function. This can make their body language less evident compared to erect-eared dogs.
However, this doesn’t mean it’s impossible to “read them.” With my Rottweilers, I could tell when were alert. Their floppy ears were oriented towards something as their top would slightly raise and their forehead would wrinkle.
Dogs with floppy ears must therefore rely on other forms of communication, such as facial expressions, tail movement, and vocalizations.
Some floppy-eared dogs can still move their ears slightly, but their communication through ear positioning is less precise and somewhat less easy to interpret compared to dogs with erect ears.
Despite this limitation, humans and other dogs still interpret their signals effectively.
Do Floppy-Eared Dogs Hear Well?
While floppy ears may reduce directional hearing slightly, they do not significantly impair a dog’s overall ability to hear.
Dogs have an impressive auditory range, detecting sounds between 40 Hz and 60,000 Hz—far beyond human capabilities. Their inner ear structures remain unchanged regardless of ear shape, ensuring that they can hear even high-frequency sounds effectively.
However, because floppy ears cover the ear canal and may not localize sound as precisely as erect-eared dogs. Because their pinnae are less mobile, they may therefore not pinpoint sound sources as accurately as their erect-eared counterparts.
Nonetheless, they are still capable of detecting distant sounds, making them excellent companions for hunting, guarding, and companionship.
Are Floppy-Eared Dogs More Prone to Ear Infections?
Floppy ears are often believed to have an increased susceptibility to ear infections. This is because the floppy pinna covers the entrance to the ear canal, creating a warm, moist environment that is ideal for bacterial and yeast growth.
Erect-eared dogs instead are believe to have better ear ventilation, allowing air to circulate freely and reducing the likelihood of bacterial and fungal overgrowth.
However, while floppy ears do contribute to ear infections, ear structure alone isn’t the only factor at play.
For example, German Shepherds have erect ears, which should theoretically allow for better ventilation and lower infection risk, however, they are still quite prone to ear infections.
If we had to pick though a breed notorious for ear infections, Cocker Spaniels are the poster child for ear infections!
While erect-eared dogs generally have fewer ear infections due to better air circulation in the ear canal, one disadvantage is “openness.” In a nutshell, they’re more vulnerable to environmental hazards like frostbite, injuries and insect bites.
The Role of Domestication
Many wild canids, such as wolves, foxes, and coyotes have erect ears, why is that? Most likely because the presence of floppy ears in many domestic dog breeds can be attributed to domestication.
One of the most famous studies supporting this idea is the Russian farm fox experiment, conducted by Dmitry Belyaev.
In this experiment, wild foxes were selectively bred for tameness and friendliness toward humans. Over generations, these foxes began to exhibit physical traits associated with domestication, includingfloppy ears, shorter snouts, and piebald coats.
This phenomenon suggests that floppy ears may be a byproduct of domestication, rather than a trait specifically selected for.
The reason behind this lies in the neural crest hypothesis, which proposes that reduced levels of neural crest cells during embryonic development lead to physical changes such as floppy ears, curly tails, and reduced aggression.
The hypothesis entails that a reduction in neural crest cell proliferation and migration is a core genetic mechanism of early domestication.
Since the neural crest contributes to the development of both the nervous system and cartilage, selecting for docility inadvertently affects ear structure.
Did you know? In a study, dogs with floppy ears were rated higher on Agreeableness and Emotional Stability than pointy-eared dogs.
Comparison with Erect-Eared Dogs
Erect-eared dogs, such as German Shepherds, Huskies, and Belgian Malinois, tend to have superior directional hearing due to their ability to move their ears independently.
This gives them an advantage in activities that require acute sound detection, such as herding, hunting, and search-and-rescue work.
In contrast, floppy-eared breeds were often bred for purposes where acute hearing was less critical, such as scent tracking or companionship. Hounds, such as Beagles, Basset Hounds and Bloodhounds for example, rely more on their powerful sense of smell than their hearing when tracking scents.
Did you know? Many puppies known for boasting erect-ears (like German Shepherds or Siberian Huskies), have floppy ears as puppies because their ear cartilage is still developing. As they grow and their cartilage strengthens, their ears will start standing up.
German Shepherd puppies have floppy ears when young.
Different Types of Floppy Ears in Dogs
Not all floppy ears are created equally! They come in different styles, following are several types of floppy ears in dogs.
Button Ears
These ears bend over at the tip. The name “button ears “derived from the appearance of this ear which somewhat resembles the buttoned fold seen on pockets on a shirt.
This ear type is seen in several dog breeds. In the pug’s breed standard, the American Kennel Club, describes the ears in this breed as being small and soft, like black velvet. Two kinds of ears are accepted – the “rose” and the “button” but preference is given to the latter.
Rose Ears
These ears look a bit erect, but then the fold drops down causing the end part of the pinna of the ear to fall to the side. Its name derives from this ear’s shape due to the folds resembling somewhat the petals of a rose.
You’ll see rose ears in a variety of dog breeds, more notoriously in several sighthounds.
Drop Ears
As the name implies, these ears are floppy. Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, and Chesapeake Bay retrievers are just some dog breeds that are known for sporting drop ears.
Interestingly, these dog breeds share a predisposition for swimming. Therefore there may be chances those drop ears were selectively bred for to prevent water from entering the ears, explains Christine Zink in the book “Peak Performance EBook: Coaching the Canine Athlete.”
There are several other dog breeds known for featuring drop ears.
Filbert Ears
This floppy ears shape is specific to only Bedlington Terriers. This ear is triangular in shape with rounded tips and is velvety in texture. Its most characteristic trait is the small silky tassel found at the tip. The name of this ear derives from the word “filbert” which depicts a nut of the hazel family.
Folded Ears
This an extreme form of the drop ear characterized by very long ears that hang down a lot and have distinct folds. Also known as pendulous ears, these ears touch the ground as often seen in the blood hound and basset hound. This type of ear is characteristic of dogs selectively bred for tracking.
The Power of Pendulous Ears
In dog breeds with long ears such as Basset hounds and Bloodhounds, the ears carry several intriguing additional functions.
Because these dog’s ears are so low to the ground, especially when their heads are lowered during scent tracking, they stir up scent particles from the ground, helping direct them toward the nose.
This, along with the loose, wrinkled skin, helps create “a scent pool” around the nose, allowing for more thorough olfactory processing and a higher likelihood of accurately following a scent trail.
Furthermore, the long ears also act as a barrier, helping block noise and wind disturbances that may distract and disrupt the scent trail.
Pendulous ears create a “scent pool” when they scent hounds are tracking with their head carried low.
Concluding Thoughts
As seen, floppy ears are fascinating! They are a great representation of how evolution, domestication, and selective breeding have shaped the canines we live with today.
While they may appear to be just a charming trait, their structure serves various functional purposes, from enhancing scent-tracking abilities to keeping ears somewhat protected from water.
Whether aiding in tracking, protecting against environmental factors, or simply making dogs appear more approachable, floppy ears are more than just a feature, they’re a testament to the complex and remarkable nature of canine evolution.
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With the year coming to an end, you might have special plans in mind for next year, but what about your dog? Chances are high your dog has New Year’s resolutions too! Of course, Rover won’t compile a New Year’s resolution to-do-list like many people do, and obviously he can’t express them in words, but as dog owners, we must be our dog’s ambassadors as they depend quite a lot on us for their health and mental well being.
So for New Year’s why not help Rover keep his resolutions for a healthy and happier year ahead? Chances are, some of these resolutions may benefit you too! So here are Five News Year’s Resolutions your dog wants you to know about.
“I Shall Shed Some Pounds”…
According to the The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) an estimated 58 percent of dogs in the Unites States are overweight or obese. And just as in people, those extra pounds makes dogs susceptible to several medical conditions such as orthopedic problems, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory problems, cancer and an over all decreased life expectancy.
Helping your dog lose weight is much easier than thought considering that you are the one in control of portions and distribution of treats. Consider feeding your dog at specific times versus providing food ad libitum, that is, leaving food at your dog’s disposal all day.
Start using measuring cups so you have better control on the amount of food consumed and use a portion of your dog’s food for treats or training, suggests board-certified veterinarian Christopher G. Byers.
Consult with your vet for appropriate dietary changes to help your dog shed extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight.
“And I Shall Get More Exercise”
On top of shedding extra pounds, engaging more in exercise is another New Year’s Resolution that tops Rover’s list.
You can help him reach this goal by cutting a bit of your spare time and taking your dog on walks. This way, your dog gets to lead a happier and healthier life, but the best part is, so do you!
This resolution may therefore match your own if your were planning to embrace New Year’s with the idea of shedding a few pounds or leading a healthier lifestyle.
Whether you are planning on jogging, going on hikes on trails or long leisurely walks, you dog will certainly be happy to accompany you.
Just make sure that you’re dog is properly conditioned for the type of exercise you are planning to include him and that he’s old enough; too much exercise or of the wrong type in puppies may have a negative impact on their growth plates.
“I Shall Be Kept More Mentally Stimulated…”
Sure, losing weight and getting more exercise are great resolutions, but let’s not forget that Rover has a mind too, and that mind needs to be kept busy.
Dog owners often forget about this, but dogs like to keep their minds occupied just as much as they like to play and romp around.
Of course, when we talk about mental stimulation, we’re not talking about getting our dogs to do crossword puzzles, compose a piece of music or a solve a game of Sodoku.
Instead, we’re talking about interactive games such as hiding his kibble in hard-to-find places, stuffing a Kong or putting his whole meal in maze bowls.
If you are short of ideas, there are several books that offer a variety of games and puzzles that you can set up for your dog using just a few items you have already laying around the house. Brain Training for Dogs is an e-book with many games and tips to get you started.
“And I Shall Learn New Skills.”
Just like you are planning to achieve new goals and better yourself, your dog is eager to “continue his education,” whether it involves learning a new trick, being engaged in a new fun doggy sport or learning to walk politely on leash.
Whatever you are planning to teach your dog this coming year, make sure to always keep it fun and rewarding. Learning something new should be something your dog enjoys and looks forward to, so make sure to embrace the joy of positive reinforcement training without the use of aversives.
Why not try clicker training if this is something you still haven’t discovered? You will learn a lot too as the use of clicker will teach you how to master good timing and some mechanical skills (ever tried to click your clicker the exact moment a ball touches the floor?)
And Don’t Forget to Keep Discovering More About Me!
Last but not least, Rover’s last resolution regards you, his beloved owner. Rover whispered in our ears that he hopes you will continue to discover more cool things about him so that you’ll be able to understand him better.
We hope that this whole year with us has been an entertaining journey for you as it was for us. Discovering every day something new about our canine friends was quite an enthralling experience!
We are happy to have made it so far, bringing you 365 days filled with learning something new about Rover’s behavior, body language, anatomy, health and uncovering the meaning of some new dog words.
For us, it has been quite a journey and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we have! Here are wishes for a wonderful year ahead and may all your resolutions come true!
You likely don’t pay much attention to your dog’s saliva until you watch some droplets fall down, and then, before you know it, a little puddle of saliva has formed as your dog watches you eat a juicy steak. Dog saliva after all is meant to stay inside, nicely tucked inside your dog’s mouth, but in some breeds with heavy jowls, that can be easier said that done.
Owners of such dogs seem to always be prepared for the saliva downpour and keep a towel handy so to catch those droplets and slingers. Dog saliva after all, may seem like something boring, but instead there are several fascinating facts about dog saliva that are worthy of discovering.
Pavlov Studied Dog Saliva….
Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist who, after reading Charles Darwin, abandoned his religious career to totally dedicate himself to natural science. He therefore started studying the mechanisms underlying the digestive system in mammals.
As he researched the interaction between salivation and the action of the stomach, Pavlov decided to involve dogs in his studies. To better understand the mechanism, a clear tube was connected to the dog’s salivary gland in the cheek which allowed him to keep track of the amount of saliva collecting. Saliva production was therefore copious when the scientists placed food in the dog’s mouth.
Pavlov’s studies revealed that the biological production of saliva had an important function in the digestive process and that, without salivation, the stomach failed to get the necessary input to start the digestive process. This was proof that digestive functions were linked by biological reflexes in the autonomic nervous system.
When He Stumbled on an Interesting Phenomenon.
At some point, in the midst of observing dogs salivating when food was offered to them, Pavlov saw an interesting phenomenon unveil. He noticed that even when there was no food in sight, the dogs were still salivating. This happening at first was perceived as an annoyance considering that the tubes kept collecting saliva even when the scientists weren’t conducting research.
However, Pavlov carefully evaluated the situation and came to a possible conclusion that the dogs were likely drooling at the mere sight of the scientists’ white lab coats in anticipation for the food.
To prove this theory, he starting ringing a metronome to signal the approach of food. After several trials, he noticed that the dogs not only began to salivate upon hearing the noise of the metronome, but at some point even when no food was present!
This led to the discovery that salivation, a biological reflex, was capable of being modified by something psychological, in this case, a sense of anticipation. Pavlov named this type of reflex a “conditioned reflex,” basicallya reflex that resulted from associative learning so to differentiate it from the biological reflex, while the whole process of associative learningwas called Pavlovian conditioning in his honor, today also known as respondent conditioning or classical conditioning.
This discovery opened the doors to understanding the science of behavior and American psychologist John Watson further expanded this research and, with his Little Albert studies, used its principles to change a human’s behavior.
Dog Saliva Can Help Clean Wounds….
When you get a wound you likely rush to wash it with soap and water, but what does a dog have to do? Prior to domestication, that means prior to when dogs had owners rushing to clean and disinfect a dog’s wounds, dogs relied on themselves to clean up a wound.
The mechanical action of a dog’s tongue along with saliva, helped remove any dirt or debris present on the wound’s surface. So yes, a dog’s saliva along with some tongue action can help remove stuff from the wound that shouldn’t be there, which is good.
The next question though is: does dog saliva have any antibacterial properties?
You may have stumbled at some point or another on somebody claiming that it’s good to let dogs lick their wounds because dog saliva has healing properties. This statement makes sense overall considering how quickly wounds in the mouth tend to heal, but is there any truth to it?
To attain the answer to this we had to go dig up some studies. According to a study conducted by Benjamin L. Hart, and Karen L. Powell, saliva in male and female dogs was found to have antibacterial properties, in particular against Escherichia coli and Streptococcus canis, which comes handy when mother dogs are licking their newborn pups which are predisposed to highly fatal coliform enteritis and septicemia. This suggests that wound licking in dogs may therefore help reduce contamination with E. coli and S. canis
But Only Up to a Certain Point.
As with everything in life, moderation is key. Sure, dog saliva may have antibacterial properties, but it also contains bad bacteria as well. Also, given the opportunity, dogs will tend to lick a whole lot which can cause loads of trouble as the repeated abrasive action of the tongue, along with keeping a wound moist for too long (moisture attracts bacteria), may lead to an infection or injury. This is why veterinarians often recommend that dogs wear the infamous “cone of shame” AKA the infamous Elizabethan Collar.
“When a pet licks a surgical incision, he is introducing contamination, not removing it. In the case of non-surgical wounds, I don’t care if a pet licks a few times before treatment is initiated, but once the area has been thoroughly cleaned and medications started, the downsides of licking once again outweigh its benefits.”~Dr. Jennifer Coates
Did you know? When dogs lick their paws in excess, they may cause what is known as lick granuloma, as seen in the picture.
Saliva Aids in Digestion…
If your dog produces saliva, you must thank his salivary glands which are found in your dog’s upper and lower jaw. Want to know more about them? Dogs have two zygomatic glands by the cheek bone near the dog’s eyes, two parotid glands where the head meets the neck, two sublingual glands under the dog’s tongue and two mandibular glands, by the dog’s lower jaw.
As in humans, saliva helps keep Rover’s mouth nice and moist and helps lubricate the passage of chewed-up food from the mouth through the esophagus and then all the way down to the dog’s stomach. The blob of chewed-up food is formally known as “bolus” and the more slippery it is, the easier it will slide down without causing damage.
You might have heard the saying “the digestive process starts in the mouth.” All this means is that chewing stimulates the process of breaking down some components of food so that they’re more easy to assimilate. Well, this applies to dogs too. As dogs chew, saliva helps break down starch into individual sugar molecules, explains veterinarian Race Foster. Not all salivary glands though produce the same type of saliva.
According to Dukes’ Physiology of Domestic Animals, saliva may vary from a watery consistency to thicker, mucoid-like. For instance, the parotid glands, produce a watery saliva rich in amylase, which is what helps dog digest starch, while the sublingual glands, on the other hand, produce a mucus-type of saliva rich in mucin, which helps the bolus travel from the mouth to the stomach.
But Excess Saliva May Be A Sign Your Dog is Nauseous.
Excess salivation should send you on a “barf alert.” Keep those paper towels handy and send Rover on a tiled area for an easy clean-up the moment you notice him drooling and smacking his lips. Why do dogs drool though when they are getting sick? If dogs drool in anticipation of food and saliva helps kick start the digestive process, then why in the world is saliva again getting in the way when a dog is actually about to lose his lunch?
Well, here’s a fascinating fact: saliva in this case assumes a protective role. Since vomit is very acidic in nature, the increase in saliva seen when one becomes nauseous is meant to help minimize erosion to the mouth and tooth enamel caused by those potent gastric acids.
Did you know? Your dog’s salivary glands also increase salivation when there are irritating substances in the mouth.
Saliva Can Help Dogs Cool Down…
Dogs do not cool down primarily through their skin like humans do, but their main way of cooling off is by panting. You might not know this, but your dog’s saliva can play a role in helping Rover cool down when those temperatures soar in the dog days of summer or after exercising.
Here’s a little insight into the process. When your dog is hot, he will keep his mouth open and breath quickly. This heavy panting allows the saliva-moistened surfaces of his mouth and tongue to cool down by increasing evaporation. Since blood flows through the mouth and tongue, once the blood cools down, it reaches the rest of the dog’s body and thus, lowers the dog’s core temperature. This evaporation is ultimately one of the several ways dogs cool down when they’re hot.
But It Can Also Lead to Unsightly Stains
If you own a white colored dog with a passion for licking, you might be aware of the effects of excess licking on your dog’s coat, but what causes those stains in your dog’s fur in the first place? In this case, you must blame your dog’s saliva. According to Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology the main cause for dog saliva and dog tears to cause unsightly reddish stains is due to presence of porphyrins. What exactly are porphyrins? Porphyrins are simply molecules that contain iron as the result of the natural breakdown of red blood cells. While most poryphyrins are excreted from the body when a dog eliminates, traces of porphyrin may also be excreted through a dog’s tears, saliva, and urine.
And Finally Some Dogs Just Can’t Keep Saliva In
Saliva is really supposed to be stored nicely in a dog’s mouth, some breeds though are by design naturally born droolers. The shape of a dog’s upper lip (flews) can surely play a role in how predisposed a dog may be to drooling.
Many owners of dogs with particularly developed flews have gotten used to cleaning up what are known as “slingers;” basically, strings of drool that attach to floors, ceilings and walls every time slobbery dogs happen to shake their heads.
It’s very difficult to come by a Saint Bernard with a dry mouth. Many seasoned dog owners though have simply learned to cope with the drooling issue.
“You just always carry a towel and learn to live with it,” explains a fancier to the American Kennel Club Gazette. Coping mechanisms aside, those slingers are not to be underestimated: Barbara Meyer explains in her blog that, left alone, this spittle has the tendency to dry into a rock-like hardness and that she heard a dog owner speculating that it might be of interest to NASA for the purpose of gluing down the tiles of their space shuttles! Quite some amazing stories for just a spit of saliva, aren’t they?
Did you know? A 20 kilogram dog (around 44 pounds) is capable of producing anywhere between a half a liter up to 1 liter of saliva a day! The amount is usually higher in dogs who are fed dry foods.
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), People and Discoveries, Ivan Pavlov, retrieved from the web on December 30th, 2016
Antibacterial properties of saliva: Role in maternal periparturient grooming and in licking wounds Benjamin L. Hart, Karen L. Powell, Physiology & Behavior Volume 48, Issue 3, September 1990, Pages 383–386
Lussi A, Jaeggi T. Erosion – diagnosis and risk factors. Clin Oral Investig. 2008;12:S5–13.
Photo Credits:
Wikipedia, Ivan Pavlov, Public Domain
Wikipedia, A statue of Ivan Pavlov and one of his dogs Илья Го. (грохотайло) – Я автор этой фотографии CCBY3.0
Flickr Creative Commons, osseousOctober 7, 2013, Luna licking CCBY2.0
Wikipedia, Canine lick granuloma / acral lick dermatitis; self-inflicted as an obsessive-compulsive self-destructive behavior,self – Own work CC BY-SA 3.0
Flickr, Creative Commons, Paul Joseph, drool dog CCBY2.0
While dogs can’t talk, we must admit that Mother Nature has blessed them with the capacity to produce a variety of sounds and at one point or another one may wonder what’s the difference between dog howling and baying.
Most of us are familiar with the sound of dogs howling, dogs are often heard howling at sirens or when the owners leave the house. Baying is typical of certain dog breeds and it may be confused sometimes for howling, but the noise produced is a tad bit different and the purpose may be a bit different as well.
A Word About Howling
Howling is the sound often associated with canines in the wild and is characterized by a prolonged, loud, wailing sound. The howling sound is used by wolves for aggregation purposes, a way to reunite other wolves to gather for the hunt.
It may happen that the wolves are scattered about with some sleeping and others wandering, and being that wolves take a cooperative approach to hunting, it’s necessary for them to unite. Howling in this case therefore elicits social contact.
Howling in wolves has also a social function, when wolves are howling in unison, it creates a sense of belonging, a sense of group cohesion.
As we have seen in a previous article, dogs are different from wolves in many ways, and domestication has brought some changes in the ways dogs communicate vocally. For instance, since dogs no longer hunt for their meals and are fed kibble from a bag, howling to gather a group for a hunt has lost its original function and therefore dogs howl less. Dogs however, bark more considering that barking was selectively bred by humans so dogs could alert them of the presence of other animals or strangers.
Although dogs tend to howl less than wild canines, the howling behavior is often evoked by sounds like sirens, musical instruments such as flutes or harmonicas, other dogs howling or the owner mimicking a howling sound. Howling can also take place in dogs when they are separated from their owners and feel lonely. In this case the mournful howl may denote a dog’s desire to re-unite with his family.
Did you know? When wolves howl together, they harmonize rather than emitting the same notes so that they give the illusion of there being more wolves than what they really are. Recordings of wolves have shown that no wolf wants to end up howling using the same note as another.
A Word About Baying
Over hundreds of years, hunters found the “howling” sounds produced by dogs productive because it carried a long way and was helpful when working with dogs following trails over certain distances. Hunters could loose sight of their dogs because of distance or thick vegetation and their vocalizations could keep them aware about their whereabouts.
Certain dogs were therefore selectively bred over hundreds of years for their ability to “bay,” or “give tongue,” a distinct vocalization that has a tendency to become more intense and enthusiastic the closer the dog gets to the animals that are hunted.
This increase in intensity draws the attention of other dogs and hunters to gather at the trail area or where the animal is cornered.
Did you know? In hunting terms a hound who happens to vocalize when there is really nothing significant going on is called a “babbler.”
“As the scent becomes stronger, suggesting that the pack is now very close to its prey, the baying becomes a bit less melodious, as the individual sound phrases become shorter in duration but more frequent, and the massage now shifts to mean “Let’s get him!” or “Altogether now!”~ Stanley Coren
Howling Versus Baying
Howling is the noise produced by wild canines and in certain circumstances by the domesticated dog; whereas, baying is the sound exclusively emitted by hounds. You’ll therefore have beagles baying when they catch the scent of quarry and coonhounds baying when game has been “treed.”
If the two vocalizations were compared, howling would entail a single note, whereas baying would comprise more variations within the tone and short bursts, explains Stanley Coren, the book “Do Dogs Dream?: Nearly Everything Your Dog Wants You to Know.”
One may also assume that baying is much more enthusiastic than a mournful howl and even though it has an element of “come join me” it’s more geared towards gathering the hunter and other dogs to the area where something exciting was found.
However, as much as baying may seem the result of years of selective breeding, it’s still likely reminiscent of a dog’s ancestors after all, considering that wolves too emit vocalizations upon detecting prey. According to Seton, author of “Life-histories of northern animals : an account of the mammals of Manitoba page 770, ” a “muster” or a “rallying cry” may be emitted by a wolf upon finding game that is too big for him to confront alone, while a higher pitched howl vibrating on two notes known as the “hunting song, corresponds exactly with the full cry of a pack of hounds on the hot scent!”
Did you know? There are chances that the word beagle derives from the old French word “becguele” meaning “noisy person,” or more literally “bayer” meaning “open throat” due to this dog’s loud baying.
Original Dog Bible: The Definitive Source for All Things Dog, edited by Kristin Mehus-Roe, Lumina Media; First Paperback Edition. first printing edition (May 2005)
Do Dogs Dream?: Nearly Everything Your Dog Wants You to Know By Stanley Coren, W. W. Norton & Company; Reprint edition (July 16, 2012)
Seton, E. T. (1909) Life-histories of northern animals : an account of the mammals of Manitoba, part II, New York City : Scribner, pp. 749-788
Lopez, Barry H. (1978). Of Wolves and Men. J. M. Dent and Sons Limited.ISBN 0-7432-4936-4.
When it comes to dog greeting behaviors, dogs may greet each other by following certain “guidelines” based on species-specific social etiquette. Not all dogs necessarily follow such dog greeting etiquette, as every dog is different and every dog may greet other dogs in different ways, but those dogs who adhere to such greeting etiquette are often found to be less likely to cause conflict. As we have seen in a previous post, dogs have different dog-to-dog tolerance levels, and therefore the utmost caution is always needed when your dog meets and greets stranger dogs. So here are some interesting dog-to-dog greeting behaviors.
A Look at Dog Pheromone Glands
To better understand dog to dog greeting behaviors it’s important to know a bit more about pheromones. When dogs meet and greet one another, a whole lot goes on a chemical level. Several pheromone glands are distributed throughout the dog’s body and are concentrated on certain body parts, as seen in the picture.
What’s the purpose of these glands? Pheromone glands secrete special volatile, odorous substances that are meant to relay special messages to the receiver.
The dog on the receiving end, therefore, analyzes these substances courtesy of a special organ, the Jacobson organ, that’s located just nearby the anterior portion by the roof of the dog’s mouth. Right behind the dog’s top incisive teeth is what’s called the “incisive papilla,” a special duct that connects to this organ.
The dog’s incisive papilla allows scent molecules to travel to the dog’s Jacobson organ and then reach their destination by the dog’s brain.
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If you have ever seen a dog smelling the grass or another dog, and then such dog chatters his teeth, and perhaps even foams at the mouth, he’s likely gathering these scent molecules towards the incisiva papilla with the help of his tongue (tonguing). Once up the incisive papilla, these scent molecules then travel to the vomeronasal organ and then reach their destination, the dog’s brain where they are finally interpreted. When dogs meet and greet, the role of these pheromones play a large role allowing dogs to learn more about each other.
The primary pheromone secreting glands in the dog are the labial, auricular, perianal, genital (vulvar or preputial), interdigital (pedal) and mammary complexes of sebaceous glands. Most of the information apparently enters via the vomeronasal organ “~Dr. Bonnie Beaver
Dog Facial-Lingual Greeting
This is one of the most common ways dogs are forced to interact with other dogs when they’re on leash, basically, head-on. This is generally not a preferred method to meet as seen in the tense dogs in the picture on the right.
As the name implies, in facial-lingual greeting dogs engage in mutual investigation of each other’s faces. As seen in the picture above, dogs have several pheromones located in their head area.
A dog’s ears have special ceruminous and sebaceous glands which also contain pheromones. According to Dr. Cam Day, these pheromones are similar to the dog appeasing pheromones released from mother dogs, only that in this case, they’re applied to a wider basis for social purposes.
These pheromones found in the skin around the ears are often attractive to younger animals and may provide a cohesion effect with a social group. Adult dogs though may be interested in ears too, and it’s not unusual seeing dogs sniffing each other’s ears as part of their greeting ritual.
The labial area (lip area) is also of special interest to dogs. When dogs greet each other, its not usual to see them sniffing each other’s mouths. Remnants smells of what they ate may be attractive, but the lip area is also an area that secretes pheromones. Karen Overall claims that dog breath samples may also provide information from a neurochemical perspective. This lip licking is sometimes seen in dogs who have been separated from another dog for some time and are trying to gain information.
“Dog appeasing pheromones have a calming effect on puppies. It has also been isolated from the ears in some adult dogs and may play a role in social communication and cohesion.” ~Nicola Ackerman
Dog Inguinal Greeting
Another area of interest is the groin area. In male dogs, there are also pheromones that are secreted here from the preputial area and urinary tract area. The presence of pheromones from the urinary tract explains why dogs are fixated with urine marking and sniffing other dog’s pee.
Dogs will urine mark on vertical surfaces leaving pheromones behind that can be easily detected at “nose-level” for other dogs to check out. Dogs tend to react differently to pee: some just carefully sniff it and then leave the area, while some others will pee on top of it.
This habit is what has triggered the marketing of pee posts treated with synthetic pheromones for the purpose of grabbing a dog’s attention and hopefully enticing him to eliminate on them next time nature calls.
Dog Ano-Genital Greeting
This is one of the most common ways dogs greet one another, and the one that people are most accustomed to. In a natural setting, unlike dogs meeting head-on as dogs are often forced to do when on leash, dogs arch their bodies in a curve and investigate one another in a head-to-tail, ano-genital greeting.
What is so interesting with sniffing each other’s butts? Again, pheromones plays a role here. The anal glands, also known as scent glands, are sacs that are found under the tail and around the dog’s rectum at the 4 0’clock and 8 o’ clock position.
The anal glands are known for also secreting pheromones, and this is why dogs are so interested in sniffing another dog’s stool on top of sniffing each other’s butts.
A female dog’s vulval and urinary tract area is also an area of interest. Several pheromone glands in this area secrete information pertaining her reproductive status. In intact female dogs in heat, the scent of pheromones can be picked up by male dogs even miles away. The pheromone concentration in her urine may also tell a male dog whether she is receptive or not. The specific compound has been identified as methyl p-hydroxybenzoate, and according to a study, when this compound was applied to spayed female dogs, it caused male dogs to attempt to mount.
Did you know? Generally, dogs prefer to greet other dogs by first sniffing under their tails, but afterward they may be interested to exploring other areas where pheromones may also be present such as the lips, remarks Tracie Hotchner, in the book “The Dog Bible: Everything Your Dog Wants You to Know.”
A Matter of Social Etiquette
If after a brief sniffing and mutual assessment, both dogs are happy with each other, they may go on with their lives or, if they’re in the mood, they may provide invitations to play. Not all greetings always end up smoothly though. Some dogs may be too rowdy, getting into the other dog’s faces or pawing. These Canine Tarzans can cause problems with dogs who dislike these types of interactions and who feel the need to “correct” the rude behavior. Generally, it’s polite to just take a few seconds of sniffing to get acquainted with one another and then move off. A dog who lingers on sniffing too much may be “reprimanded” by the dog being sniffed. Also, caution must be used with dogs standing over other dogs, in the perpendicular “T” position.
Did you know? By the age of 6 weeks, most puppies will have learned species-specific greeting behaviors including facial-lingual, inguinal and ano-genital greeting approaches, explains board-certified veterinary behaviorist Dr. Bonnie Beaver in the book “Canine Behavior: Insights and Answers.”
Canine Behavior – Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card): Insights and Answers, 2nd Edition, by Bonnie V. Beaver Saunders; 2 edition (January 5, 2009)
Photo Credits:
Flickr Ctreative Commons State FarmCanine friends – K-9 Fresca and K-9 Sadie, CCBY2.0
Flick Creative Commons, Tony Alter When Dogs Meet & Greet, CCBY2.0
“My dog is crazy, my dog is stupid, my dog is willful, my dog is dominant, my dog is vicious, my dog is vengeful.” How many times have you labeled your dog using such terminology to describe him? If you are guilty of labeling your dog as such, you may likely fail to fully understand his behaviors and needs and you may end up doing things that may hurt your relationship with your dog. The use of these labels therefore goes beyond a matter of semantics. Sometime though, re-labeling certain traits of your dog with words that more accurately provide a description of what it truly going on can change the ways you relate with your companion.
“My Dog is Crazy!”
The word crazy in this case may have a benevolent tone at times such as when used to depict those funny moments of “doggy craziness” such as when dogs get a bout of zoomies after a bath, but at times it may have a not-so-benevolent tone.
If you label your dog as crazy when he is acting hyper, bouncing off the walls, jumping on you, this label will do no good as it may lead to a sense of helplessness.
Dog trainers hear this many times “My dog is crazy, and I don’t know what to do” or “I am at my wit’s end with my dog’s craziness, I think he has ADHD.”
Sometimes dog owners are desperate and on the verge of re-homing their dog. The term crazy in this case denotes mental illness, perhaps something that the owners feels that’s beyond fixing.
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Putting things into perspective: no worries, “crazy dogs” don’t need to be locked up in a mental institution and wrapped up in a straitjacket! In reality, most dogs are not crazy or close to being it. Dogs depicted as “crazy” are often simply youngsters, dogs stuck in the doggy adolescent stage, who are in need of help for learning constructive ways to release their pent-up energy. Exercise, mental stimulation, a structured training and strategic management plan can work wonders in the long run in calming these dogs down. If you own a “crazy dog”consult with a positive dog trainer to help you out; and for those rare true cases of clinical hyperactivity or ADHD, a qualified behavior professional can provide help.
“Boy, do I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say their dog was “hyperactive” or “ADHD” – I’d be a wealthy woman. In fact, those are clinical terms referring to very specific behavioral disorders (canine and human) that are relatively uncommon in dogs. In reality, most “hyper” dogs are just under-exercised.” ~Pat Miller
“My Dog is Stupid!”
This label is often used for dogs who are not excelling much in the obedience department, dogs who flunk obedience classes and who don’t seem to be as “bright” as the neighbor’s dog who can give paw, roll over and play dead.
Even labeling dogs as stupid often denotes a sense of helplessness, as if these dogs cannot be trained because they are lacking something substantial in the IQ department.
If you are labeling your dog as stupid, most likely you have give up training because you’re deeply discouraged and upset by your dog’s lack of progress.
Putting things in perspective: not all dogs have the same type of intelligence. Different dog breeds were selectively bred for accomplishing different tasks, so it’s totally normal for Bingo the beagle to be more attracted to going on a sniffing adventure than fetching your slippers as Rover the retriever does.
There is no such a thing as a stupid dog. Often behind a dog labeled as stupid is a dog who needs a little more guidance of what is expected from him. Perhaps, breaking up an exercise in smaller steps and trying to train in a quieter area where there are not many distractions going on can prove helpful. High-value treats come also handy for dogs who need a stronger incentive. And good timing is a must, so that the dog knows exactly which behavior you want. All these factors together can help better communicate what is wanted from your dog. If you are still struggling, don’t give up: consult with a dog trainer using reward-based methods, your training problem could be an easy fix.
“Dogs in many ways are just like people. Some dogs will pick things up very quickly and others will take more time and guidance. Often times when we as trainers see a dog having difficulty learning a task, it’s because the dog is not being communicated to in a way that the dog can understand.” ~Association of Professional Dog Trainers
“My Dog is Willful!”
This term is often perpetuated by websites depicting certain dog breeds. ” Another popular term is “stubborn” or “obstinate.” Generally, these terms are used to depict a dog who is not eager to “please owners” and just wants to do his own thing.
Usage of this term has negative implications as it gives the idea that such dogs are determined and nothing can stop them. It gives the impression that some trait is encoded deep into the dog’s genetic makeup and therefore there’s pretty much nothing that can be done to get the dog to become more collaborative.
If you use this term often, you may have felt many times like tossing the towel and giving up trying to coax your dog to do something other than what he wants.
Putting things in perspective: it’s a common myth that dogs are born eager to please their owners. In reality, dogs engage in behaviors that have a history of reinforcement. Willful dogs are often simply dogs who are untrained and determined to achieve something else other than what the owner wants because of genetics.
Terrier dogs dig not because they are willful, but because they are genetically wired to do so, sight hounds will chase after fleeing squirrels because that’s what they were bred for, collies will want to herd anything that moves because herding is what they have been doing for centuries. As with dogs labeled as stupid, dogs labeled as willful benefit from clear instructions and consistency. Setting these dogs for success requires finding what motivates them so to help these dogs make good choices.
“When a dog doesn’t listen to or follow commands, it’s not typically because he is hardheaded or untrainable. The problem is often that normal dog behaviors simply don’t conform to human standards of good manners, and changing behavior that comes naturally to a dog can take time and effort.” ~Mikkelle Becker
“My Dog is Dominant!”
A popular television show has created a surge in the usage of this term and now we are still stuck with its negative repercussions. The term is often used to describe dogs who are willful, but in a more negative way as if dogs were eager to take over the planet and become the big chest-thumping “alphas.”
Dog owners therefore feel compelled to take over the “alpha role” and gain back the reins of dog ownership by putting dogs “in their place.” This often entails using aversion-based techniques that tend to negatively impact the bond between dog and owner and that may turn out also being risky.
Putting things in perspective: often behind so called “dominant’ dogs are simply dogs who are performing behaviors that have a history of being rewarded.
Dogs jump on their owners as a way to greet or as a way to get attention, it’s not like they’re trying to get taller and rule the roost. Dogs enjoy the couch because it’s comfy and they feel safe and secure not because they perceive it as their “throne.” Dogs who pull on the leash do so because they want to explore their surroundings, a natural behavior all dogs are born with and not because they want to rule what path to take. Dogs lean against people because they trust them and have a desire to seek contact and the behavior has a history of reinforcement.
Despite what many people think, dogs are not there strategically plotting on how to rule the roost, they are simply opportunists who just need some guidance and consistency. Instead of fretting over the thought that your dog is being “dominant, ” focus on training your dog exactly what you want him to do to replace the undesirable behavior, and don’t forget to reward him for doing it right! And of course, for those more elaborate cases, refer to a dog trainer or behavior consultant.
“Frankly, there is just too much labeling and not enough thinking and understanding out there, and it has done a lot of harm. Anyone who thinks they have to ‘dominate’ another species…has just defined a pathology.”~ Dr. Karen Overall
“My Dog is Vicious!”
This term is often used to depict a dog who growls, snarls and lunges towards other people or dogs, but what happens when dogs are labeled as vicious? This “umbrella term” gives the impression that dogs are dangerous, unpredictable and untrustworthy all of the time.
Instead, most dogs are only acting “viciously” in only specific contexts and situations. This term as well gives a sense of helplessness as if the affected dogs are constantly on the lookout for an opportunity to try to attack and bite.
The term “vicious” therefore gives the idea of a dog being purposely mean, with an intent to harm because the dog perceives the behavior as pleasurable.
Putting things in perspective: Dogs do not have a direct intent to harm as many people believe. Often dog who are labeled as vicious are simply dogs who are defensive because they’re feeling threatened. If you get angry at a person who cuts in front of you when you are in line or tries to steal your wallet, does that mean you are “vicious?” Certainly not! In the same way, dogs shouldn’t be labeled vicious if they occasionally engage in what we consider “aggressive behaviors.”
When we label a dog or a specific dog breed as vicious, we are perpetuating a belief that the behavior is reflecting the dog’s essence. This can be harmful to both dog and owner because it often implies the belief that that specific dog cannot change. Labeling a dog as “vicious” gives little information about what is really happening and it doesn’t help much with arranging a plan to tackle the issue.
What happens though when we replace the term vicious with something else? This makes us see things from a whole different perspective! So instead of saying “my dog is vicious” using the word aggressive as an adjective, we would perhaps say “my dog acts aggressively” or ” my dog uses aggression” or ” my dog behaves aggressively when he has a bone.” Even better, let’s try removing the term aggressive altogether and describing the “aggressive behavior” instead, as such: “My dog growls when he has a bone” or even better “my dog growls when he has a bone and I come close to him.” We now have a clearer picture of what the dog is doing and in what circumstance the behavior is taking place. This can be very helpful for when consulting with a professional as a description of the issue must be provided. It also helps in seeing the behavior from a more positive perspective.
“Actions can be changed, DNA cannot. If you believe your dog IS shy, scared, soft, aggressive, etc., you will become crippled in your training of him by his personality. However, if you believe your dog is acting in a certain way, you will treat him very differently because you will believe you can change his behavior.”~ Connie Cleveland
“My Dog is Vengeful!”
Coming home and finding your home destroyed can make you think that your dog must have plotted everything against you because you didn’t take him along with you. Dogs are often also labeled as vengeful when they soil in the home when left at home as a way “to get back” at their owners.
This can cause you to feel a sense of resentment towards your dog and perhaps your built-up feelings may trigger scolding and punishment upon coming home because your feel like your dog has strategically planned everything on purpose.
Perhaps you may even feel as if you have undeniable proof that your dog was intently “bad” in your absence because his body language is screaming the word “guilty.”
Putting things in perspective: Dogs do not act out of spite and being vengeful is not part of a dog’s behavior repertoire. Dogs do not seek revenge and their ‘guilty looks” are just fear of their angered owners. Dogs are very sensitive to our bodily cues and can easily sense when we’re feeling upset about something so they may respond accordingly, using their body language (what we interpret as the guilty look) in hopes of calming us down and hopefully avoid punishment.
A dog who scratches at doors and windows or soils in the home when left alone is often an anxious dog who needs help to learn how to better cope with his anxiety. Dogs who “degut” pillows or chew shoes or the remote are often dogs who are bored and under stimulated, not vengeful. After all, what’s left for a dog to do all day alone? It’s not like he can play Sudoku or watch soap operas!
Unless you caught your dog in the act, you aren’t punishing your dog for his misbehavior, but whatever he’s doing at the moment you punish him, explains dog trainer and behavior consultant Jolanta Benal. So when you scold your dog upon opening the door saying “Hey! You managed to chew all the pillows, you bad, bad boy!” your dog will perceive he’s being punished for looking at you or walking towards the door to greet you or anything else he’s doing at the moment. Not good!
So what should you do when they find those pillows reduced into a zillion pieces? A good place to start is to take a deep breath and count to 10, and seriously evaluate what measures can be taken to keep these items out of reach and prevent future occurrences. Maybe Rover is teething and needs more appropriate chew toys? Perhaps he needs more exercise and mental stimulation? Can stress or anxiety be a trigger? For sure, those scoldings won’t teach your dog anything other than that you’re unpredictable and not trustworthy.
The Bottom Line
Dogs are not stupid, they don’t act out of spite or plot revenge, they don’t strategically look for ways to hurt others emotionally or physically as humans may actually do. By better understanding our companions, meeting their needs and magaging their world so to set them up for success, we can build a better relationship based on trust and mutual respect.
Disclaimer: this article is not meant to be used as a substitute for professional behavioral advice. If your dog is showing signs of a behavioral problem, please consult with a professional.
Scientific American, The Guilty Looking Companion, retrieved from the web on Dec 2nd, 2016
Association of Professional Dog Trainers, What are Some of the Common Myths About Dog Training?,retrieved from the web on Dec 2nd, 2016
Tufts Your Dog, True or False? An Aggressive or Willful Dog Is Trying to Dominate You retrieved from the web on Dec 2nd, 2016
Dog Trainer’s Workshop, Stop Using the Verb “To Be” to Describe Your Dog, retrieved from the web on Dec 2nd, 2016
If dog lovers were asked about a dog’s life cycle, they would say that it’s too short! From the rambunctious days of puppy hood, to the slowing down process associated with aging, dogs surely cycle through these life stages quickly, filling our lives with much joy as we adapt to the changes from one stage of the dog’s life to another. Sharing our lives with our dogs is ultimately an important lesson as dogs teach us about valuing life and the importance of cherishing every happy moment it brings. Discovering more about a dog’s life cycle therefore, brings us closer to understanding our marvelous animals and knowing what to expect so that we can be one step ahead of the game.
1) Puppies Go Through Developmental Stages…
A dog’s life cycle starts from the day he or she is born. When you picked up your adorable puppy from your breeder, shelter or pet store at 8 weeks old, you missed out several developmental stages the puppy has gone through. No worries! We will briefly outline some of the most important milestones for you.
Please note though that these development stages aren’t clear cut as each puppy develops at a different rate, and there may also be some overlapping between one stage and another. According to John Paul Scott and John Fuller’s studies on puppy development, the stages can be divided in 3 categories:
1. Neonatal stage (birth – 2 weeks). Born deaf, blind and unable to stay warm, puppies are in a pretty much helpless state. During the pup’s first two weeks of life though he goes through quite some rapid changes.
2. Transitional stage (2-3 weeks). During this stage, puppies start seeing and hearing. With their eyes open and their ability to stand and walk around a little, puppies start exploring the world.
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3. Socialization stage (3-13 weeks) With their senses developed, puppies are now learning more about their surroundings. This is the prime time when they should be introduced to pets and other people. While the breeder starts socialization in the home, it’s then up to the new dog owner to expand the pup’s socialization while still keeping the pup safe from infectious diseases. Puppies play a whole lot during this time and learn more about being a dog. Around 11 weeks (but there are variances), puppies may go through a fear period too.
“Scientists divide development into separate stages largely for descriptive convenience. However, development is a continual and dynamic process: Dogs do not abruptly leave one stage and enter another, rather the progression is smooth and the stages overlap considerably.”~ Ian Dunbar
2) And They Go Through a Teenager Phase Too!
Think the teenager phase only happens in humans? Think again; puppies go through doggy adolescence too! Sure, you won’t find Rover wearing headphones, drinking soda or chewing gum, but you may notice several changes both physically and mentally.
When do dogs hit this stage? Generally, the adolescent stage in dogs starts anywhere between the ages of 4 and 6 months. While all dogs go through the adolescent stage, in some dogs it may be barely noticeable, while in others, dog owners may pulling out their hair.
This is when Sadie gets goes by her second name “stubborn” and Rover’s second name becomes “rowdy.” You may notice your dog being more distracted, reluctant to pay attention and more likely to engage in undesirable behaviors (ie rowdy jumping, digging, barking etc)
Doggy adolescence is a temporary time of passage during which developing dogs start looking more and more like adult dogs, but their brain can still retain certain behaviors that may be puppy-like. Governed by powerful hormones, the dog’s body starts developing, with female dogs (those not spayed) going into heat and male dogs become more interested in urine marking, roaming and sniffing around.
Fortunately, adolescence in dogs doesn’t last forever, even though in larger dogs it tends to linger for a longer period of time. Generally, expect adolescence in small to medium dogs to last until the dog reaches 18 and 24 months, whereas, in large and giant dogs it may last even until 36 months (yup, until they’re 3 years old!) Fortunately, training (and possibly behavior modification) using gentle, yet consistent methods (with the help of a trainer/behavior consultant) can help nip problems in the bud before they become established.
“As with humans, an animal’s juvenile and adolescent periods have a profound impact on the animal’s behavior. This is the most trying time when raising a pet, and a time when most owners reach the limits of their knowledge and fall short of their obligations as a responsible pet owner.”~ Lore I. Haug
3) Adulthood Brings Stability….
Once dogs are past doggy adolescence, they will reach adulthood. When adulthood starts once again depends on your dog’s breed. Generally, adulthood in dogs may start at 18 months for the smaller breeds and 3 years of age for the large ones.
Many people find that their dogs at this point of their life-cycle are much easier to manage. With a full house-trained dog and the hyper puppy years just behind, adulthood brings the benefit of dogs who are generally calmer and less demanding. Adulthood can be a nice smooth ride and dog owners enjoy the perk. Many dog owners report their dogs turning into “pure gold” once they reach age 5.
Sure, adult dogs will still enjoy exercise and mental stimulation, but generally they are less likely to be bouncing of the walls as they used to in the younger years. Dog owners who have invested their time wisely in socializing their dogs and getting them trained, are now rewarded with an obedient dog. Training though does not end now! Dogs thrive on being kept mentally stimulated and need a job, so this is a great time to enroll an adult dog in advanced obedience or perhaps some fun doggy sports.
4) While the Golden Years Bring Wisdom
Depending on your dog’s breed, he will reach his golden years anywhere in between 7 and 10 years.
When dogs get old, you may notice a grey hair here and there on their muzzles and they may slow down a bit. They may prefer a calm stroll on a quiet path at a comfortably lazy pace in place of the brisk games of fetch or hide ‘n seek of his younger years.
In large dogs, joint pain may start developing as arthritis sets in, while smaller dogs may be prone to back and neck problems. Dental problems are not unusual considering the many years of tartar accumulating. You may also find that your older dog tends to sleep more than before and he may not need to eat as much as he used to.
Keeping up with regular vet visits is important at this point of the dog’s life cycle. The earlier problems are caught, generally the better the outcome.
5) The One Dog Year Equals Seven Human Years Turned Out Being a Myth….
You may have heard that you can easily convert your dog’s years into human years by simply multiplying your dog’s age by seven, but turns out, this simple calculation is inaccurate.
For sake of an example, let’s imagine that Bella, the saucy Pomeranian next door, is one year old. If you multiply her age by seven, then that would mean that she would be the equivalent of a 7-year old child. OK, so what’s wrong with that?
Problem is, that, at the age of seven, a child is likely still playing with her Barbie dolls, while Bella is mature enough to give birth to a litter of puppies! –Not saying that Bella should be bred, just that Mother Nature would have prepared her for reproductive success by this age.
On top of dogs maturing faster than people, there’s also the breed factor. Dogs come in many different shapes and sizes, and therefore dogs undergo different life cycles compared to one another.
Nowadays, there are more accurate ways to tell how many years a dog is compared to a humans’. For instance, there are several handy dog age calculators that are based on individual factors such as a dog’s breed. With the size factor kept into consideration, it is therefore more likely to get a better idea of how much a dog year equals in human years. While no calculator is totally accurate, they do a much better job than the old ‘one dog year equals seven humans years’ belief.
6) But the Fact that Large Dogs Age Faster is True.
Actually, more than a matter of size or breed, longevity in dogs seems to be a matter of weight. Generally, statistics show us that dogs weighing under 30 pounds are the ones blessed with longer lifespans. However, since dog breeds come in average weights, one can roughly deduce a dog’s life expectancy by considering breed.
For instance, according to the UC Davis “Book of Dogs,” a small-breed dog such as a small terrier is considered geriatric at about 11 years; while a medium-breed dog (think larger spaniels) becomes senior at 10 years. When it comes to large-breed dogs such as German Shepherd dogs, they becomes seniors at 8 years while 7 years is considered already a geriatric age for giant-breed dogs such as great danes.
Of course, there are other factors to consider as well such as the dog’s diet, over all health, his lifestyle, not to mention the role of genetics. And as in people, sex also seems to play a role, considering that generally female dogs seem to live just a bit longer than male dogs. And when it comes to dog owners who elect to have snip-snip surgeries on their dogs, they are rewarded with more time with their pals considering that Science Daily tells us that spayed or neutered dogs live longer.
How long a dog lives is therefore ultimately a matter of genetic potential. Every animal is gifted with a certain pre-determined average lifespan. For instance, an elephant may live up to 70, whereas a giant tortoise can live a whole century. Dogs compared to humans weren’t really gifted with a long lifespan, considering that the average dog lives to be 13, but as much as this is saddening, we can at least feel better considering that a mouse barely makes it to 5!
Did you know? Scientists at the University of Washington are conducting research in hopes of unlocking the secrets for a longer lifespan in dogs. The field of study addressing the biology of aging is called “geroscience” and you can learn more about it at The Dog Aging Project website.
Siegal, Mordecai (Ed.; 1995). UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Book of the Dogs; Chapter 5, “Geriatrics”, by Aldrich, Janet. Harper Collins.
University of Georgia. “Spayed or neutered dogs live longer.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 17 April 2013
Dog Star Daily, Puppy Personality Development, retrieved from the web on Novermber 25th, 2016
Dog poop: it’s something inevitable that comes with dog ownership, but there can be some serious risks associated with the practice of not picking up dog poop and we’re not talking about breaking the law and getting fined. Sure, paying a fine is not pleasant, but dog poop laws are not just just there because of unsightly piles of doggy poop in the midst of a pristine yard; rather, there is much more to that. Learning more about facts about dog waste may be a yucky topic to talk about, and some risks may seem to come out straight from a horror movie, but it’s important information for both dog owners and not. So today we’ll be discovering some facts about dog waste and the dangers of not picking up dog poop.
Hookworm Larvae Penetrating Feet
If you are one of those dog owners who loves to walk barefoot in your yards, here’s a spoiler alert: after reading this, you might not want to ever walk without shoes again. Hookworms are zoonotic parasites, which means that they can passed along to humans.
The larvae of these pesky parasites are known for causing a skin infection that it referred to as “ cutaneous larva migrans.”
How do people get this infection? A dog infected by hookworms will pass several hookworm eggs in their stools. If the poop is not disposed of in a timely matter, the eggs will hatch into larvae that contaminate the soil.
To get infected, all it takes is to walk barefoot on this contaminated soil and the larvae will burrow into the skin.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, puppies and kittens are most commonly infected with hookworms, and children playing or walking barefoot in the area where dogs or cats frequent, are at risk for this condition.
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“Wearing shoes and taking other protective measures to avoid skin contact with sand or soil will prevent infection with zoonotic hookworms. Routine veterinary care of dogs and cats, including regular deworming, will reduce environmental contamination with zoonotic hookworm eggs and larvae. Prompt disposal of animal feces prevents eggs from hatching and contaminating soil — which makes it important for control of this parasitic infection.”~Centers for Disease Control
Did you know? Hookworm infections are most prevalent in the coastal areas of the United States from southern New Jersey to the Florida Keys and then from along the Gulf of Mexico to Texas. (Source DVM360)
Roundworm Larvae in the Eyes
Another pesky parasite that may be found in dog feces are roundworms (toxocara canis). Roudworms, like hookworms, are zoonotic parasites, meaning that they can be passed to humans. The term toxocariasis is used to depict the infection caused by parasitic roundworms.
How do people get this infection? Roundworms are found in the digestive tract of puppies and dogs. A puppy or dog infected with roundworms will shed the eggs in their feces. When the dog’s poop isn’t picked up in a timely manner, the eggs are released into the soil. Children or adults who handle the soil and do not wash their hands, may ingest the eggs if the dirt is accidentally swallowed.
While in dogs roundworms tend to stick to living in the dog’s intestinal tract, when they infect humans they behave in different ways.
Young children are more at risk for a complication known as ocular toxocariasis, where roundworm larvae migrate to the eye which can cause inflammation and even vision loss. On top of that, the larvae may also migrate to organs such as the nervous system and liver, a condition known as visceral toxocariasis which may cause vague, systemic symptoms such as fatigue, fever, coughing and abdominal pain.
“In most cases, Toxocara infections are not serious, and many people, especially adults infected by a small number of larvae (immature worms), may not notice any symptoms. The most severe cases are rare, but are more likely to occur in young children, who often play in dirt, or eat dirt (pica) contaminated by dog or cat feces.”~Centers for Disease Control
Did you know? Statistics show that in the United States almost 14 percent of the population has been infected with Toxocara and children and adolescents under the age of 20 are the most likely to get infected. (Source: CDC) In the United States toxocaral larva migrans is known for causing hundreds of cases of unilateral blindness, and an uncountable number of cases are found to cause less permanent forms of illness in children. (Source DVM360)
Giardia Cysts in the Digestive System
Giardia is another pesky parasite that may affect humans, but the Centers for Disease Control report that risk of contracting giardia from a dog is rare because the type of Giardia known for infecting humans is different from the type that infects dogs and cats. However, rare doesn’t mean a person should keep his guard down and take unnecessary risks.
Here’s what happens with this parasite. Dogs are exposed to giardia, a protozoan parasite, when they ingest the infected cysts found in another animal’s feces or water that has been contaminated by feces.
Once the cysts reach the dog’s small intestine, they shed the active form of the parasite which attach to the walls of the dog’s intestine where they settle and start reproducing. At some point, the active forms of the parasite encase themselves into cysts once again and are evacuated along with a dog’s feces.
How do people get infected? In order for people to get giardia from their dogs, they would have to get in contact with water, grass or soil that has been contaminated with dog feces which contains the cysts. Another way dogs can give giardia to humans, is if the dog licks his behind and then licks a human who fails to wash his hands. Symptoms of giardia infection includes diarrhea, gas, stomach pain, greasy stools that float and possibly, nausea and vomiting.
“Anything that comes into contact with feces (poop) from infected humans or animals can become contaminated with the Giardia parasite. People and animals become infected when they swallow the parasite…Wear gloves when gardening to reduce the risk of coming into contact with infected feces (poop) or soil. Remove feces promptly and put them in a plastic bag.”~(Source CDC)
Did you know? Another similar condition to giardia is cryptosporidium, a protozoan parasite known to infect rodents, calves, dogs, cats and people. As other diseases listed in the article, transmission from dogs to humans occurs through fecal contamination. Mostly affected people are immunocompromised people, such as those affected by HIV/AIDS, who may develop severe diarrhea that never resolves and can even become fatal, explains veterinarian Dr. Arnold Plotnick.
Campylobacter Bacteria in the Stomach
Sometimes, conditions transmitted from the stool of dogs come from bacteria rather than parasites or protozoans. In this case, we’re talking about campylobacteriosism, an infectious conditon caused by campylobacter bacteria. Dogs get infected by getting in contact with contaminated food or water or from the feces of ill animals. The most common type of campylobacter affecting humans that comes from dogs is campylobacter jejuni.
How do people get it? Humans may get the disease from ingesting the juice of raw chicken meat or using a contaminated cutting board to chop salads, but also from contact with the stools of an infected dog or cat. According to the Centers for Disease Control, it just takes fewer than 500 organisms to make a person ill with campylobacter.
Campylobacteriosis in humans causes diarrhea, cramps, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and fever, generally 2 to 5 days after getting in contact with the organism. In people with a compromised immune system, campylobacter can cause a serious, life-threatening infection. As always, it’s advised to pick up dog feces and wash hands with soap and water afterwards.
Salmonella Germs in the Digestive Tract
Most people have heard about salmonella, the germ that’s known to be found in raw meats and eggs, but not many people know they can get it also from dog feces. In 2012, there was a recall of multiple brands of pet foods by Diamond Pet foods, and back then it was linked to many people getting sick. Here’s a little summary of how this condition affects people and dogs
Dogs and cats may get ill from consuming foods that are infected with salmonella. The infection causes typical salmonella symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, lethargy, fever and even vomiting. Not always though infected dogs show symptoms.
How do people get it? Salmonella is transmitted from dogs to humans and humans to humans from the fecal oral route. The dog sheds salmonella germs in the stools, and, according to the CDC, the dog’s stool may carry them from 4 to 6 weeks after the infection. As always, dog owners should pick up their dog’s poop and people who interact with the dog should always wash their hands with soap and water after handling and feeding the dog.
Wash your hands as directed in the handwashing instructions. Clean up after your pet. If you have a dog, use a plastic bag to pick up the stool, and clean up the stool while on walks or from the yard and dispose of the stool in a tightly sealed plastic bag.~Centers for Disease Control
Echinococcus Larvae in The Liver
As if it wasn’t enough, there are also pesky parasites that may be interested in inhabiting the human liver or lungs. In this case, we’re talking about tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus.
Sheep, goat, moose, caribou and other animals act as intermediate hosts that harbor the eggs which hatch in their small intestine. Once hatched, the larvae migrate to various organs, especially the liver and lungs where they become a cyst.
Dogs are then fed the cyst-containing organs of these animals and become infected as well. In Canada and Alaska, the practice of feeding dogs the viscera of moose and caribou may lead to infections in dogs that are then transmissible to humans. In other areas such as California, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, the practice of feeding the viscera of sheep was also found to infect dogs. Another form of echinococcosis may infect dogs when they eat infected wild rodents.
How do humans get infected? Humans get infected by accidentally swallowing the eggs of Echinococcus that may befound in the soil, water o vegetables that have been contaminated with infected dog feces.
Once ingested, the larvae may cause growths in the liver or other organs. Affected humans may feel generalized pain in the chest and abdomen, nausea, vomiting and coughing may take place. In some cases, allergic reactions and even death may occur. While this condition remains quite rare, there is a potential for a more serious public health problem considering that domestic dogs are becoming more involved in the life cycle, explains veterinarian Peter M. Schantz.
“Humans can be exposed to these eggs by “hand-to-mouth” transfer or contamination. By ingesting food, water or soil contaminated with stool from infected dogs. This might include grass, herbs, greens, or berries gathered from fields. (Source CDC)
What Dog Owners Can Do
As seen, these conditions are scary enough to deter dog owners from leaving poop around. Those pooper scooper laws are therefore in place for some very good reasons that go far beyond the cosmetic appeal of lawns, public parks and sidewalks.
On top of picking up dog poop, dog owners can lower the chances for zoonotic diseases by having the feces of puppies and dogs routinely checked by a vet and by de-worming accordingly.
Children should be supervised and not allowed to play in areas that are soiled with dog feces. They should be warned to never eat dirt. And of course, hands should always be washed with soap and water after handling dirt and playing with dogs.
Disclaimer: this article is not meant to be used as a substitute for professional medical or veterinary advice. If your dog is sick, please see your vet. If you, your child or a family member is sick, please see your medical provider.
Centers for Disease Control, Giardia, retrieved from the web on November 20, 2016
Centers for Disease Control Toxocara Roundworms retrieved from the web on November 20, 2016
DVM360, Zoonotic parasitic infections contracted from dogs and cats: How frequent are they?, retrieved from the web on November 20, 2016